Bones ((((((((((()))))))))))))))Hugs to you. Do you know what is really bizarre, I am now telling people about what he did - people I've known since I was young and who know him as well - and every single one has said they're not suprised, they always thought he was really creepy. It seems the only person who thinks he is a saint is my mum

Thanks for your thoughts
Ames, yes, you're right. I know in my head I'm doing the right thing but my heart is telling me I'm a bad, disgusting liar who should have kept quiet. I am telling my heart to put a sock in it!! Hugs to you (((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))
Judy, I do think my mum is at the crazy end of the scale. What's really ironic is that, from a mental health point of view, I'm actually the healthiest in my family. I realised I had problems, I sought help and I've worked really hard at all of it. Because I'm the only one with a 'known' problem, though, i'm the one that's labelled a nutter! My mum's completely cracked but she's never done anything about it so no-one professional knows that. She is incredibly manipulative and very, very good at having people believe what she tells them. Things like the incident you mention with your sister's friend do stay with you for years; that's really scary for a child. Thanks for your thoughts, and hugs to you (((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))
Hops, the thing I'm most impressed with is that you can cross things out on the computer, how did you manage that?? lol

Yep, it's that old battle between head and heart - I know it's the right thing to do, I know what he did was absolutely wrong, I know he may have done it to others and may still be doing it but there is a little part of me that can hear my mum telling the police that I'm crazy, I've always been evil, she's suffered for years coping with my lies and my mood swings, I'm jealous of her and my step-dad and on and on it goes. It's my friend's daughters funeral today as well

so it's lots of emotion to cope with. But I know I've done the right thing and you have all been such a huge help to me, a thousand thank yous and hugs to you ((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))