Why I am suprised/shocked/aghast I don't know but..........................two and a half years ago my mum reported me to social services for child abuse (towards my son). It took me five months to prove she was lying and since then I have been working on the mammoth task of correcting all the information held about us by various agencies. We've moved around a lot and my son's disabled so there are a lot of records held in a lot of places.
The thing that really shocked me about the child protection case was that two other professionals stated there was a history of child protection concerns and that I had serious mental health problems. This was news to me, and I have spent the last two or so years trying to unravel the paper trail and find out where these came from. I received a bundle that I've been waiting eighteen months for from the hospital my son was assessed at when he was four. In it, there is a letter which clearly states that my mum informed the consultant that my son's 'disability' was down to my neglect because of my mental illness and that I was abusive and aggressive. That's where it all started; the last four years of being treated like dirt, not being believed about my boy and worse than that, him not getting the help and support he needed, began with an allegation my mum made four years ago after we had a row.
I don't know why I'm so shocked by it, but suddenly all the pieces fell into place. I thought these professionals just didn't like me or that they were prejudiced against single parents - but now I know that, before they met me, they'd all been told that my son's problems were my fault and they all believed it because the source was my mum - and a mum would only say that if it were true.
I'm gutted. We've moved house three times trying to escape the child protection slurs and I've given up work to care for my son full time because we couldn't get any help from anyone - and now I know why. The way I feel at the minute I'd like to pack my stuff and just move to a hut on some remote little island where no-one can get to me.
Sorry to go on, just need to get it off my chest. That woman didn't deserve to have children.