Hi Ami, hugs to you ((((((((((())))))))))) I am getting loads of support from friends and people are being really kind so I feel very lucky at the minute, plus my big sister is amazing and has been a rock throughout, as have all of you! The good thing (I am always looking for the good things!) is that my feelings are in proportion to what is happening. In the past I would often get very extreme reactions to certain events several days, or even weeks after they happened. For example, a friend let me down one time - nothing major, but I was furious and felt hurt, angry, rejected etc etc to the point of wanting to be vile to her (I wasn't, but I really wanted to), and my reaction was out of proportion to what had actually happened. I think I've had so much built up stuff inside me that it was like a little volcano going off over the slightest thing. This has happened today and I am angry about it and feeling fed up, but in proportion to what has happened - I'm getting on with my day as normal, I've phoned friends and they've been supportive (in the past I would lock it up and not talk about it), so I think some good work has been done and I'm reacting in a normal, healthy manner, which is good! So whilst the police have been rubbish I personally have dealt with a huge fear in my life, faced it head on and come out the other side which is a good thing and very positive. Hugs to you and thank you so much for your kind words xxxxx
Bones, it's lucky there is a star key on the keyboard to beep out the swear words!! I know what you mean, I have been really unimpressed with their attitude and the way they've handled the case, I feel the least they should have done is arrest him and give him a good grilling and scare the bejesus out of my mum, but it seems they've just had a little chat and that's that. I will move ahead with court action; there is definitely proof that she's lied repeatedly about other things - the best thing is everyone else who knows them believes me and most have said they're not suprised, so it's really helped me have confidence in my own memories and experiences. But I share your anger and your frustration; the irony of them checking my fridge when they've not even questioned my step-dad is not lost on me! I also have a very untidy house because I spend my day with my boy and not tidying up; my mum, by contrast, is obsessive about housekeeping, yet I know of the two people think better of her because her house is clean and tidy and mine is covered in glitter and bits of straw! Thank you for your support and your anger on my behalf, it's nice to know some people think what he did was wrong!! Hugs to you (((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))