Author Topic: I can't believe she did this  (Read 33208 times)


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #120 on: December 03, 2009, 09:07:34 AM »

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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #121 on: December 03, 2009, 03:36:47 PM »
Twoapenny, Maybe I'm idealistic, but when I blow the whistle on wrongdoing (as you did), I always tell myself, "Even if nothing comes of this, if somebody in the future reports this person again, maybe they (the authorities) will take THAT person more seriously because there has been a report before." You know, the old "where there's smoke there's fire" logic. Not much comfort, I know, but I still think you did the right thing. I know it's taken a lot out of you and that it doesn't probably feel worth it at times, but I think in the long run it is probably worth it.


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #122 on: December 03, 2009, 09:35:46 PM »
What HoP said..

and Bettyanne, that is heartbreaking. I am so sad to think of an elderly woman trying to care for a disabled boy on her own.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #123 on: December 04, 2009, 08:02:53 AM »
Thanks, Bones, hugs back to you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))

BettyAnne, of course I remember you and that level of selfishness is very typical of N's, I feel.  Some people are just not cut out to be parents and I think it's so hard to deal with being the child of one of those kinds of people.  Thanks for your thoughts and for sharing ((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))

Hi HoP and Hops,

I agree entirely with you both on that one, at least it is on record and, possibly more importantly, everyone in the local area knows about it now so people can protect their own children if necessary.  I've often wondered about two other girls he used to have a lot of contact with and feel that, at least with people knowing about it now, there's a chance they might hear about him being reported and that might make them want to contact the police themselves.  I also had an email from a friend who knows a lady who waited thirty years to get justice!  Apparently no-one ever believed her and she just got on with her life - but thirty years down the line someone else reported him and he got nine years.  I think the fact that I've gone public will have really shaken him up as well; he never thought I'd do it.  All in all I'm in a good place right now.  Hugs to both of you ((((((((((((()))))))))))))))


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #124 on: December 04, 2009, 09:10:18 AM »
Thanks, Bones, hugs back to you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))

BettyAnne, of course I remember you and that level of selfishness is very typical of N's, I feel.  Some people are just not cut out to be parents and I think it's so hard to deal with being the child of one of those kinds of people.  Thanks for your thoughts and for sharing ((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))

Hi HoP and Hops,

I agree entirely with you both on that one, at least it is on record and, possibly more importantly, everyone in the local area knows about it now so people can protect their own children if necessary.  I've often wondered about two other girls he used to have a lot of contact with and feel that, at least with people knowing about it now, there's a chance they might hear about him being reported and that might make them want to contact the police themselves.  I also had an email from a friend who knows a lady who waited thirty years to get justice!  Apparently no-one ever believed her and she just got on with her life - but thirty years down the line someone else reported him and he got nine years.  I think the fact that I've gone public will have really shaken him up as well; he never thought I'd do it.  All in all I'm in a good place right now.  Hugs to both of you ((((((((((((()))))))))))))))


For what it's worth....

When I called the police on the b*st*rd for assaulting me, and all the neighbors saw him taken out in handcuffs, that's when the other kids in the neighborhood came forward and told their parents about him sexually assaulting them!  NWomb-Donor STILL tried to insist that I was mentally ill and lying but the other parents were FURIOUS about the fact that their children had also been victimized as well by this b*st*rd and probably saw right through the NWomb-Donor's lies and manipulations.  I learned that one of the other parents threatened to kill the b*st*rd if he ever set foot on their property again.  At least some justice happened there if nothing else.

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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #125 on: December 04, 2009, 02:37:51 PM »
Hi Bones,

I do think people power is often more effective than anything else that can happen!  Was he prosecuted for what he did to you?  I live in quite a small community where everyone knows everyone else.  There are three or four generations of the same families living near each other and word gets around so fast that there's not likely to be anyone around here that hasn't heard now.  Everyone I've told personally has told me they weren't suprised and several of my friends from childhood admitted they didn't like coming round the house because of the way he looked at them and his generally 'creepy' air.

I hope things are better for you now (((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))) I'd kill anyone that touched my boy, I just can't imagine dismissing it as a figment of his imagination.  I don't understand how a mum can do that?


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #126 on: December 04, 2009, 03:03:43 PM »
Hi Bones,

I do think people power is often more effective than anything else that can happen!  Was he prosecuted for what he did to you?  I live in quite a small community where everyone knows everyone else.  There are three or four generations of the same families living near each other and word gets around so fast that there's not likely to be anyone around here that hasn't heard now.  Everyone I've told personally has told me they weren't suprised and several of my friends from childhood admitted they didn't like coming round the house because of the way he looked at them and his generally 'creepy' air.

I hope things are better for you now (((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))) I'd kill anyone that touched my boy, I just can't imagine dismissing it as a figment of his imagination.  I don't understand how a mum can do that?

Unfortunately, it was placed on a "stat docket" because the NWomb-Donor had convinced the prosecutor that I was "too mentally ill to know what I was doing"!  The prosecutor NEVER made ANY effort to speak to me before he did this!!!  The ONLY reason that NWomb-Donor could or would do that to her own children is because she didn't want to lose the opportunity of having his !@# in her !@#!!!!!!  All she focused on was her own sexual gratification at ALL costs!!!!!  (She also liked to play all kinds of incestuous games!  SICK)  In the end, by the time she was on her deathbed, she had NOTHING!!!  Her Golden Child cursed her and walked out on her, NEVER to be seen again and I LOATHED the sight of her!  I took care of things, out of duty, so I have a clear conscience about that.  I drew the line for the last time when I discovered that she and her NSister had LIED TO ME about the cemetery arrangements!  The cemetery tried to hit me up for money to have her name on the grave marker and I FLAT OUT REFUSED!!!!!  (They had LIED TO ME FOR YEARS about EVERYTHING being pre-paid, including the grave marker!)  The representative at the cemetery was SHOCKED  :shock: that I DARED SAY NO to paying for the grave marker!  She tried to stammer at me: "But, she's your mother!"  My response:  "And your point being.....?"  She couldn't answer that and I got up and walked out.  I had HAD ENOUGH!!!!

Today, I have my good days and my bad days.....


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #127 on: December 04, 2009, 08:53:07 PM »
((((((((Bones)))))))))) I'm so sorry for what you went through.

You have come so very very very far.

Bravo to you, whole woman.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #128 on: December 05, 2009, 02:15:49 PM »
((((((((Bones)))))))))) I'm so sorry for what you went through.

You have come so very very very far.

Bravo to you, whole woman.


Thanks, ((((((((((((((((((Hops)))))))))))))))))))

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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #129 on: December 09, 2009, 02:01:56 AM »
Hi all,

Just to update you, I found out yesterday that the police have referred me to education welfare and social services and I am now being investigated again.  Details are sketchy but from what I can gather so far their concerns are that my son was wearing his pyjamas when the police officer feels he should have been dressed and we were out when she called at the house unannounced.  According to her, as home educators we should be forced to spend the day indoors and should not be allowed to venture outside the property during daylight hours.  Obviously no action at all has been taken against my parents so both are free to carry on molesting children for the foreseeable future.


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #130 on: December 09, 2009, 07:17:18 AM »
I am sorry ((Twoapenny)))) for the system and the people in it as well as your horrible family! You managed to hold on to your decency and that is a wonderful thing . You still have humanity and kindness after ALL you have been through!         xxxoo   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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   Carl Jung


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #131 on: December 09, 2009, 07:52:58 AM »


I HATE bureaucrats and child molesters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :P
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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #132 on: December 10, 2009, 09:08:55 AM »
OMG, twopenny.

Another investigation?

OF YOU?!?!

This is just crazy.

All I can say is.....

it must be easier for the system to spend their time prosecuting/investigating victims, rather than criminals.

This just makes no sense at all.... ::shaking head::

..... but you sound pretty steady.

Remember to remain calm.

God knows what the investigator will do to you, if you're sarcastic or snippy.

So wrong....




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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #133 on: December 10, 2009, 09:39:05 AM »
Hi all,

Thanks for your responses. It seems the waters are calm again (for now).  Spoke to the education welfare man who was very reasonable on the phone and he agreed that the concerns raised by the police officer are of no concern to them; we are free to leave our home whenever we want to and my son is entitled to wear whatever he chooses in the privacy of his own home.  It seems social services are happy that ed welfare are happy so for the time being nothing further appears to be happening (she says, crossing fingers).  What I am doing is writing a strong letter of complaint about the police and insisting that they do the investigation of my parents properly; simply asking my mum if it's true is not enough.  I want my step-father arrested, cautioned, grillled and that picture of him with his **** out waved under his nose.  My mum is the one pulling the strings; away from her he'll have to stand on his own two feet and my guess is he'll crumble pretty quickly.  I don't mind if they aren't able to prove anything but I'm damned if I'm going to sit back and let them not bother about this.  I am quietly working away on a civil case against them and a suprising amount of evidence is coming through fairly quickly. It seems my mum's desire to bad mouth me may be her downfall; there are so many records appearing with accusations in them that she's contradicting herself and I've proof that a number of claims she's made are false (and that she knew them to be false at the time).  Plus by cross referencing them I can show how claims she's made during certain periods are contradicted by doctor's reports etc at the same time.

The thing I am so happy about is that my lovely little boy doesn't have a clue any of this has gone on and is quite content to sit making paper chains and colouring in Christmas cards :)  I will keep fighting for his sake and the sake of other children that need the protection that we never got.

Thanks to all of you again.  Hugs hugs hugs!!


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Re: I can't believe she did this
« Reply #134 on: December 10, 2009, 09:59:09 AM »

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!