Yes, Hops and TwoAPenny, Ami - thanks so much.
I hope I have "found" myself - i.e what I am willing to have/accept in a relationship. I wanted to be with him, but at the same time, I want someone who wants to be with me MORE - and is willing to show it. (There are certain expectations - like returning calls, being reachable, meeting my friends, how frequently we see each other, time spent etc that are reasonable expectations for knowing one another for a year) I also made concessions for him but he was unwilling to make concessions to me. This sounds so egotistical, but I think its healthy ego.
I do care for him alot - so I was careful to be gentle - but I was also sensing that I was being there were limits to how gentle I could be...
Anyway, I just hope that I learned enough this time around to attract my soulmate once and for all!