What is it with buying everything so
BIG? Do we really look that fat to them? Or is it supposed to be an insult?
I also recently had this strange thing happened between her and me last spring. I had to stay over at her house for some unexpected reason. I had to borrow something to sleep in, and I found a brand new pair of sweat pants in her basement. Yes, this woman has clothes stuffed into every closet AND hanging form the rafters in the basement that she does not even know she has, and yet she runs around in rags.

Anyway, I borrowed the sweats and they fit me like they were made for me. At the time I was about a size 10 or so, and am 5'6". She is like a size 22, and 5'0". I commented on the terrific luck, to find something that fit me so well. The next time I was there, she gave me the sweats, which would not have fit her anyway in a million years, accompanied by a lengthy explanation of the reason she was giving them to me was,
she did not want to spend money to have them hemmed up.

I mean, she
really went out of her way to make the point that the reason she was giving me these pants was that they were not worth the money to have them hemmed.
A week or so later, just for fun, I remarked how much I was enjoying those sweats because they were so comfortable. Again, I got a long explanation of how it would have been just too much trouble to have them hemmed. She made it clear that the sweats were so much junk, and she was only giving them to me in order to save herself the hassle of running them all the way over to the cleaners where she pays to have her raggedy clothes pressed.

She does this with a lot of the stuff she gives me--actually makes a point of telling me that she is giving me her unwanted junk. She buys me groceries once in a while. It is rarely anything I use or would buy for myself (canned vegetables, products made of white flour, cake mixes, and always a big jar of grape jelly! I put them in the pantry in case of emergency.)Then she always tells me how she shops at the most expensive grocery store in the area, and they had this stuff on sale buy one, get one free, so she gave me the free ones! (Don't think I really spent any money on you, because I didn't!)
And she gave us some really awful towels a couple of times, and made a big deal over how she got them on clearance for something like $2 a bundle. That is more than they were worth, believe me!
So not only is she giving me junk/cast-offs/bargain bin items, she makes sure I
know it is junk/cast-offs/bargain bin items.
And then wants to be praised for her generosity!