Author Topic: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help  (Read 6606 times)

Redhead Erin

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2009, 02:28:01 PM »

The narcissist divides all women to saints on the one hand and to whores on the other. He finds it difficult to have sex ("dirty", "forbidden", "punishable", "degrading") with feminine significant others (spouse, intimate girlfriend).

He did some of that Madonna/whore stuff back at the beginning, but I thought he'd grown past it.

The idealized females are sexless, the devalued ones - "worthy" of their degradation (sex) and the contempt that, inevitably, follows thereafter.

This pretty much describes his taste in porn.  It always did bother me a little, but some of my fantasies are a little sterange too, so I decided a long time ago not to make an issue of it.

The narcissist believes firmly that women are out to "hunt" men and that this is almost a genetic predisposition embedded in their chromosomes. . . . .she is a parasite, a leech, whose sole function is to suck dry every man she finds and Tarantula-like decapitate them once no longer useful.

Waaaaaaay to close to home here.

Heterosexual narcissists desire women as any other red-blooded male does (even more so due to the special symbolic nature of the woman in the narcissist's life - humbling a woman in acts of faintly sadomasochistic sex is a way of getting back at mother). But he is frustrated by his inability to meaningfully interact with them, by their apparent emotional depth and powers of psychological penetration (real or attributed) and by their sexuality. Their incessant demands for intimacy are perceived by him as a threat. He recoils instead of getting closer. The narcissist also despises and derides sex, as we said before. Thus, caught in a seemingly intractable repetition complex, in approach-avoidance cycles, the narcissist becomes furious at the source of his frustration. Some of them set out to do some frustrating of their own. They tease (passively or actively), or they pretend to be asexual and, in any case, they turn down, rather cruelly, any attempt by a woman to court them and to get closer.

Ouch. Again.

This comes form an article written by the vampire sam vankin, so it is a little questionable.  I noticed a while ago that Ted does have some narcicistic qualities, but he has made efforts to get over them.  We all know that simple self-centered behavior, selfishnes, and lack of imagination can be traits of a N without the person actually being N.  In Ted's case, I attributed a lot of what I saw to his upbringing.  He seems to have grown past a lot of it and is, most of the time, a kind, loving father.  He is not that bad as a husband, in spite of the current problems and some of the mean things I wrote here. He has changed a lot since we got together, mostly for the better.  I can see clearly that he exhibits some N traits, though it does not seem to me that he is a full-blown N.  He has backslid some lately, making a lot of nasty comments about women on TV based on their looks. Also like I said, he has become rather snarky and mean for no apparent reason.  He does that periodically. I try to consider it as male PMS and ignore it as much as possible.  It was the comment about me taking a lover that brought it all to a head this time.   

According to the vampire Vankin, a true N enjoys the pain he causes by being inconsistent and incomprehensible to his partner.   I am not sure this is him, because he seems confused at my emotional reaction, rather than pleased with it.   


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2009, 03:33:45 PM »
Dear Erin
 I talked to my friend about your thread. He is a very insightful male. He says he thinks your H just has a hard time with feelings.
 He said that when a man feels overwhelmed with feelings he can't handle, he shuts down.
 I think it is that simple, really.
 I think that you must ,also, have a hard time with feelings cuz of your NM.
 I don't think there is a bad guy/good guy here.
 I think you are both struggling with your own issues and could easily blame the other as a source. I think that if you get too ahead of yourself with gay, N ,power trips or other such things, you could blow it larger than it is.
                        xxooo  Ami

« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 03:40:05 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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Redhead Erin

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2009, 04:40:21 PM »

Wise words.  There are some serious issues here, I know that.  SOmebody way back at the beginning suggested I keep my feelings to myself and journal/post/etc until I get a handle on it, rather than make a big issue out of it with him. So I am throwing ideas around here and seeing what fits, before I make any more comments to him about it. 

You are right, we both ahve a hard time with feelings.  I get all overwhelmed by mine, and he pretends not to have any. Good friend.  Tell him I said thanks for thie insight.


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2009, 04:44:43 PM »
Thank you, Erin. He is a guest so he will read it. Wise of you to journal and think before speaking to him!                  xxooAmi
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Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2009, 12:04:49 AM »

Yeah, I think you are getting down below the sex issue. 

And I think you are going to do some deep healing on a lot of different levels as you work through this.  I really am hopeful for you.

Here’s a couple of things that I see from what you have said:

You are really, really angry.  And you have been for a long time.  That kind of anger (and it may very well be justified) just won’t allow the kind of joyful sex that you are desperate for.  That doesn’t mean you should stuff the anger, but that your struggle with your sexual relationship is like a warning signal to let you know that its time to get to the bottom of it. 

I don’t think, from what you’ve said, that he is a narcissist.  At any rate, I think it would be better to look at the relationship as though he’s not at this point--since, if he is, it is NOT going to get better.  And you have given some really good reasons for why you think he isn’t.

I have found that when I am angry about the kind of things you are angry about, it is really about powerlessness.  Maybe that’s just me.  But when I can come up with a solution to the conflict ON MY OWN, or if I can work my way through my feelings so I don’t even feel the same tension, I am okay.  The other person doesn’t really have to change.  If this resonates with you, you might take each of the things you list in your letter to him (cell phone, dishes, etc.) and see if you can find either a solution, or a way of working through your feelings. 

I hope that doesn’t sound like a pat solution--its not, and when I have done it, it has been a long arduous process.  But at the end of the process, I was a lot stronger, felt a lot more inner power than if I had convinced the other person to change.  Again, that’s me.  Each one of those issues will have its own struggle, and maybe if you are up to it, you can hash out the struggle here.

The other thing I noticed in your story is that a lot of your self-image is tied up in your sexuality.  You probably said this somewhere, but I missed it….are you an exotic dancer?  If so, that would make your sexuality your means of making a living.  It has also been your way of leveling the playing field when you feel that you are more committed to a relationship than the other person is.

It was the way you dealt with your grief when your fiance was dying.  And now your sense of worth and beauty is undermined by how your husband is relating to you sexually.  AND when you were young and your self-image was being formed, you were subjected to a lot of grotesque sexuality.  Wow.  You have a lot of your deepest self invested in this area of your life.  So, this is more than just a relationship problem to you. 

You mentioned your husband’s use of pornography….be sure to take into account that his use of pornography could, all by itself, be at the root of his disinterest.  Pornography is to joyous married sex what junk food is to deeply satisfying, well-prepared food.  Fill up on the junk and there’s not much room for (or interest in) the good stuff.  So, that’s one more thing for you to look at….by yourself, for now.  When you have your own thoughts clearer, you’ll be in a better place to talk to him about what you think.

I hope you know that you have a lot of support here…and I believe all the best for you.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

Redhead Erin

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2009, 08:26:30 AM »
Hi CB,

You are very insightful.  Yes, I am a dancer.  Which I have to keep stressing to people, is NOT about sex as much as it is about sales, fantasy, entertainment, and psychology.  And you are also correct that a lot of who I am is related to my sexuality.  As best as I can tell, my abuse started when I was pre-verbal.  Years of therapy have convinced me that it is easier to accept this fact about myself than to try and fight it.

 You have a lot of your deepest self invested in this area of your life.  So, this is more than just a relationship problem to you.

Like I mentioned before, Ted is not an abstract thinker.  I think this is why I have such a hard time making him understand that sex not really the issue.  Like i said before, he seemed it view it as a practical problem.  No time ti clean?  Call Merry Maids.  No time to mow the lawn?  Call a landscaper.  No time for Sex?  Get your wife a boyfriend.   :roll: Whatever.  The concept of sex=desirability=value as a human being completely escapes him.  Ami's friend, if you read this, please tell me, it that just a guy thing?  

I think he is also confused by the fact that for most of my life, I have been kind of a slut. Not that my standards were low, just that I had a lot of sex with a lot of partners. I really do consider recreational sex a terrific pass time, and I love to laugh and joke and play during sex.  I believe sex is supposed to be a joyful and fun experience.  All this has been really hard for him to get his head around. Serioulsy, he almost kicked me out of bed the first time I cracked a joke during sex.  I think the additional idea that recreational sex is just a fun sport and sex within my marriage means something different, really messes with him.  It took him years to grasp the concept of "fun", and now I am throwing him this weird abstract curve where sex doesn't really mean sex at all. I can see how he would be confused.

Its true that I am angry about him being irresponsible.  Did you ever see "the story of us?"  In the movie, Meg Ryan and Bruce Wills play a couple who is using the time their kids are away at summer camp as a trial separation to decide whether to get a divorce.  Meg tell her friend that Bruce is like Howard in the children's book, "Howard and the purple crayon." She says that like Harold, Bruce goes through the world drawing it however he wants it to be, with no regard for the reality of raising children, keeping a home together, or all the other things that weigh on Meg.  SHe feels as if she is the only responsible adult in the relationship. "I just can't get him to put down the damn purple crayon!" she concludes.  Well, that movie could have been made about us.  We both cried when we saw it. Ted is growing more responsible, but I still feel as if a lot of the responsibility rests on my shoulders.  Thinking about this objectively, that might not be so true as it was a few years ago. Hmmmm....

The issue of him not being available to me does hurt.  The fact that I have mentioned it time and again, and he still does nothing about it really irks me.  Now that is something I do need to bring up to him.  The little messes in the house drive me nuts, too.  I mean, why exactly does he need to leave 7 pairs of socks and underwear on the bedroom floor?  Is this some sort of decoration?   :lol:

We have had it out over the porn issue a few months ago. I completely agree with your junk food analogy.  Nothing wrong with a few fries or a cookie  or some dirty pictures once in a while . . . but in addition to, not instead of, the good stuff.   To be fair, if we were having sex a few times a week and he wanted to play around with porn when I was not available, I really would not care.  What bothers me (and I am still not quite over it) is that he was using it instead of having sex with me, then bitching about being too tired.  Well, gee, Einstein, maybe if you conserved  your energy . . . . :x

What I am seeing here, and I have tried to address this issue with him before, is that he has this huge list of excuses why he does not want to have sex.  

*Too tired (His favorite)
*Angry at me (he has been known to pick fights)
*I have been nagging
*He liked it better when I was with somebody else
*He does not like my current hair/nails
*Getting older/losing interest/past his peak
*Takes too long/too much work (how flattering)
*Not enough time together without son
*I am frigid when son is awake (partially true.  I have a huge fear of him walking in on us)
*Too many other things on his mind

I think there are others.  You get the picture. What do these things have in common?  Absolutely nothing!  Which tells me that there is really something else going on, that he does NOT want to address.

I think he may feel inadequate in some ways.  In a lot of superficial ways, I am "more than" he is. I am more educated, more sexually experienced, better read, better traveled, talented in several areas, and I make more than he does.  Not to say I am better looking, but after he gained weight during my pregnancy (really.  he did) he stopped caring about this looks so much.  (Then there was a long period where he complained because *I* let myself go :roll:) Meanwhile, I have gradually been losing weight and improving myself.

Another possible problem is, for many many years I was his "fantasy girl."  I started modeling in college, and he has always had pictures of me, composite cards (like a model's business card) , etc.  I really was that girl in a poster on his wall.  Sometimes I think the (really fast) transition from poster girl to co-parent was a bit much for him.  

And then, sometimes I think this whole "take a lover thing"--this is not new by the way, I have heard it before--is just a way to avoid the responsibilities of being in a grown-up relationship with a real human being.  Easier to let somebody else do it.  :(

OK, well that's enough of the random thoughts for now.  I need a little sleep.

Thanks for being here, you guys.  I have never, ever had girlfriends with whom I could hash things out like this.  
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 08:46:37 AM by Redhead Erin »


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2009, 09:21:29 AM »
Dear Erin
 I will ask my friend to read your post and tell me what he thinks. *I* am an insightful person but he rocks way more than I do in the insight department.
 I admire your honesty so much, Erin. With all that honesty, you are sure to come to a good answer !              xxooo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Redhead Erin

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2009, 12:36:16 PM »
Thanks Ami. 

SOmetimes it hard to figure out what is just a "guy thing."  Talking to Ted is really like talking to a rock. I never know whether he is really just that much of a blockhead, or if there is someting else going on.


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2009, 12:46:44 PM »
My friend is coming over today so I will go on the computer with hum beside me.He is very atypical for a guy. He is a natural writer and that is why he is so insightful. More later, friend :)                             xxoo Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2009, 01:21:29 PM »
Hi Erin
 My friend is here . He says that perhaps your H has what many men have ot varying degrees--Madonna/Whore complex which is when the woman becomes a mother, he doesn't know where to put her sexually. It is hard for him to find the right "box"to put her in.
So, he shuts b/c he is conflicted and does not know how to navigate it.
 I think he may feel overwhelmed ,emotionally, also, right now.
     xxoo Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2009, 02:42:43 PM »
I've been giving this some thought and it worries me that this has been going on for years. Here is a list of the major problems you describe, all in one place......

1.   I cannot get him to understand that my problem is only partly about sex and much more about attention, neglect, loneliness, and fear. (He does not acknowledge your feelings)
2.   He will not carry a cell phone and it is impossible to reach him at work unless it is some kind of emergency….. When he is home, he leaves the computer on line all the time so I cannot reach him.  When we are home together and I call to him from another room, he always answers "what!" in this mean snotty voice that makes it abundantly clear that even my calling his name is a huge imposition. The fact that he does not even want sex with me is just one more aspect of this bigger problem. (Reacts to attempts at communication with verbal abuse or threatening tone).
3.   Another part of the problem, however, is that he just does not want to be bothered.  We have had the cell phone issue in some form or another since I was pregnant. I have mentioned to him many many times that I want him to have one.  Either he refuses, messes it up in some way (Like before they hung up at the end of the call by themselves, he never terminated the call and ran through 300 minutes in 6 hours) or just claims it does not work.  He did not even want to have a cell phone when I was about to deliver our son and might need to get hold of him fast. (Serious  neglect of you during a very vulnerable time.)
4.   Last Valentines day we were is such a better place.  He gave me a beautiful card that started out with "Lets promise to always be in love...." and it was just so appropriate for where we were at the time.  (Did he back those words up with actions for more than a few days??)
5.    And keeping the phone line tied up so that I cannot even call to tell my son goodnight.  And leaving his clothes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink so it is just more for me to do, as if I am his maid or something. (Is he so addicted to porn or online gaming that you have developed a mother/son relationship where he is the “kid” who stays in his room and avoids the world while you provide a home?)
6.   ANd he never wants to take time to discus bills and lately he even makes excuses not to balance my checkbook (which he took on because I just can't do it, and it was costing us a lot of money for me to continue to try. (Again, neglect of adult responsibilities because he is so busy doing????)
7.   His answer to this is, I should take a day off work if I want to discuss bills or whatever.  Then he bitches because I only work part-time. ANd he also bitches if I do housework on the weekends, because this annoys him. (More like, I think it guilts him out b/c he knows he should have done it during the week.)  It doesn't seem to matter that it annoys me to sit in a messy room all weekend.  (You can’t do anything to please him can you? And again….what has he been doing instead of these adult activities. Double bind situations are physically unhealthy as well as mentally).
8.   OK, I am beginning to see why I feel so desperate and stuck here.  There is no way to win, is there? NO, not with these rules.
9.   From Letter to Ted:  It scares me to death to think about this because, of course, what if we fail?  What if it turns out that we are just wrong for each other? What if you tell me things I really don't want to know? I am terrified. I am almost as afraid that you will say yes as that you will say no. (You ask…. “What if we fail”   Unfortunately, from the constant absorption to the neglected housework and emotional isolation, there is no we mentioned here. He is only the “responder”, not the initiator of realistic solutions.  It as if he always says, “you do something because I don’t have the problem. “

Erin, when I look back over all your comments I see several things:
a.   This has been going on many years. That tells me this not a phase or an inability to express himself. He does express himself. He basically says “leave me alone” again and again and don't think another woman would make a difference here.
b.   You have probably put off a strong confrontation because you may feel very strongly that number 9 is the outcome.
c.   You are talking about all of this because you can’t stand to live like this anymore and you are ready to at least ready to give lip service to number 9 being a reality.
d.   He knows how to “not talk to you” and intimidate you into at least temporary silence. I don’t think another year of not expressing your need or anger will make a difference here.
e.   I feel a third person preferably a professional is needed to break this pattern. If he won’t go you may have your answer to question 9, but I would still seek support for myself.

BTW..I found the reference I'd read to Cerebral Narcissist. It came from Rokellel Lerner's book "The Object of my Affection is in my Reflection." She called one form of Cerebral Narcissists "The Illusion Seeker". Your story was similar in that the example she used was a man who spent all of his time immersed in a hobby where he essentially lived a fantasy life.

In her example he played video games all the time and resented anyone who intruded in his "unreal reality". In his game world, he was always perfect, all powerful and a winner. He had little interest in life or in other people and managed to get a girlfriend who could be manipulated into making sure he didn't have to deal with reality and interrupt that fantasy life.

Good luck with this.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 11:40:58 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2009, 03:47:21 PM »
 :? :?  My boyfriend is acting the EXACT SAME WAY even though we don't have any HUMAN children!   :? :?

I just don't understand the male species!!!!!!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2009, 12:59:35 PM »
Bones:  I think there is something to the MALE PMS theory!   

I don't know what to make of all this.  Because Teds car is in the shop this week, he had to pick me up from work.  We had a long time to talk on the way home.  As I suspected, he really does not get that sex means more than sex, and that it has a different meaning now than it did when I was single.  We talked about it, and he listened to what I had to say, but then he told me what I said was really complicated and he didn't think he grasped all of it. OK, I guess that's fair.

I was right about the insecurity thing.  He was feeling overwhelmed and defeated because he felt he could not please me sexually, and was suggesting (in a rather mean manner, he admits) that I should look for someone better able.  It has also been a fantasy of his for years.  I thought I had heard of something like this before, and it turns out this is a somewhat common fantasy, primarily among white males, and that it gets more common as the men get older (IE, more 40 year olds are interested in this fantasy than 20 year olds.)  Men who have this fantasy/fetish frequently feel inadequate in some way and are pleased with the idea that their wife is still able to enjoy herself, regardless of the husbands perceived flaws.  Some men like the idea that their wife is a separate sexual individual, not just an extension of the man and his sexuality.  Some feel it is a better alternative to let their wife sleep around, so long as he comes home, than to risk her completely leaving them for a better sex life.  Many people try to get over feelings of inadequacy by attempting to improve themselves in some way or to adjust their thinking; however, men who enjoy this fantasy would rather reinforce what they already believe to be true, that they are just not good enough and their wife is better off with the attention of an additional man.  Some men (oh, what is the word, I forgot!) twist (?) this feeling of inferiority into a sense of "ain't I wonderful, I'm so secure, I know what she's doing and who she's coming home to!"  There are a lot of variations on this theme, the most common seeming to be voyeurism and humiliating the husband in some way.  A very few men seem to like the idea that they never again will have to have sex with their wives, but it seems to me that this is indicative of a bigger problem.  What surprised me most was that the fantasy is NOT about objectifying the woman by passing her around, but about making sure that her sexual appetite is satisfied regardless of the abilities of the husband.

Sealynx, thanks for taking the time to put all that together in one place.  That was a very thoughtful thing to do.  It looks really overwhelming.  Let me take it point by point:

1.   I cannot get him to understand that my problem is only partly about sex and much more about attention, neglect, loneliness, and fear. (He does not acknowledge your feelings)

I think in a lot of cases, he just does not GET my feelings.  He does have a few N traits, and this is one of them.  Feelings, especailly complex ones, are so foreign to him that he often denies they exist.  I also notice that I seem to experience feelings of any sort much more intensely than he does, and he does not comprehend this.  I think it confuses him and puts him at a disadvantage.  For the first few years, we had a real struggle because he always thought I was overreacting, and I always thought he had the sensitivity of a brick. 

To give him credit, he does try to listen.  But I might as well be speaking Swahili most of the time.  Also to his credit, once he knows something upsets me, even if he does not understand why, he will try not to go there again. 

2.   He will not carry a cell phone and it is impossible to reach him at work unless it is some kind of emergency….. When he is home, he leaves the computer on line all the time so I cannot reach him.  When we are home together and I call to him from another room, he always answers "what!" in this mean snotty voice that makes it abundantly clear that even my calling his name is a huge imposition. The fact that he does not even want sex with me is just one more aspect of this bigger problem. (Reacts to attempts at communication with verbal abuse or threatening tone).
3.   Another part of the problem, however, is that he just does not want to be bothered.  We have had the cell phone issue in some form or another since I was pregnant. I have mentioned to him many many times that I want him to have one.  Either he refuses, messes it up in some way (Like before they hung up at the end of the call by themselves, he never terminated the call and ran through 300 minutes in 6 hours) or just claims it does not work.  He did not even want to have a cell phone when I was about to deliver our son and might need to get hold of him fast. (Serious  neglect of you during a very vulnerable time.)

Now, this communication/availability thing is a serious problem.  Remember, my pregnancy was eight years ago.  He has grown up quite a bit since then.  I don't think he would be an a*hole like that again if I were to get pregnant/sick/in a car accident/whatever now.

I think this may be about space or boundaries or something like that.  I think somebody (Ami maybe?) was onto something by mentioning that his telling me to go get laid elsewhere was a big demand for space.  The fact that it is ongoing and seems to involve some resentment on his part makes me think it is something huge in his background.

4.   Last Valentines day we were is such a better place.  He gave me a beautiful card that started out with "Lets promise to always be in love...." and it was just so appropriate for where we were at the time.  (Did he back those words up with actions for more than a few days??)

For the last few years, we have been cycling thorough periods where we are very happy and times like we are in now.  I am not sure why this happens or what triggers it, or even which one of us initiates it.  The thing I loved about that card is, it was so appropriate to where we were at that time.  It seems like the good times seem to last longer each time, but the valleys are still hell, as you see. I think we are both getting better at understanding each other and communicating with each other, but there are still a lot of pitfalls. 

5.    And keeping the phone line tied up so that I cannot even call to tell my son goodnight.  And leaving his clothes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink so it is just more for me to do, as if I am his maid or something. (Is he so addicted to porn or online gaming that you have developed a mother/son relationship where he is the “kid” who stays in his room and avoids the world while you provide a home?)
6.   ANd he never wants to take time to discus bills and lately he even makes excuses not to balance my checkbook (which he took on because I just can't do it, and it was costing us a lot of money for me to continue to try. (Again, neglect of adult responsibilities because he is so busy doing????)
7.   His answer to this is, I should take a day off work if I want to discuss bills or whatever.  Then he bitches because I only work part-time. ANd he also bitches if I do housework on the weekends, because this annoys him. (More like, I think it guilts him out b/c he knows he should have done it during the week.)  It doesn't seem to matter that it annoys me to sit in a messy room all weekend.  (You can’t do anything to please him can you? And again….what has he been doing instead of these adult activities. Double bind situations are physically unhealthy as well as mentally).

The thing is, I don't think he is actually doing anything.  Just wasting time, more than anything.  He can't manage time for shit.  He goes on line and starts playing Farmville on Facebook, then he wanders away and leaves the modem connected to our only phone line.  I don't think he has done any on-line porn since my hard drive fried last March or so, and I told him it was all his fault from the viruses he must have picked up on the porn sites.  :twisted:

Actually, I did tell him how much it bothers me not to be able to reach him at home.  After all, what if something happens to my car while I am driving home at night?  We talked about his need for space vs. my need for contact in that context, and he admitted that once he thought about it, shutting me out that way seemed pretty selfish, even to him.

I think the issue with the checkbook and the messes and so forth is again something about space or communication or responsibility.  It really does smack of teenage rebellion.  (I don't wanna do it and nobody can make me!) Remember, I knew him when he was a teenager, and in that respect, he has not changed much. He also whines.  Childish.  But now that you have pointed this out, I can really see him parading around the house singing "I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys-r-us kid!"

Again to his credit, he is a responsible father and husband.  He has a decent job that he goes to every day and puts most of his money in the bank for the house payment.  He takes care of Kiddo's history lessons (home school) and spends almost all his time with us on the weekends.  I know chicks whose men behave as you describe, and even worse.   Ted is basically a good guy.  Troubled, but good at heart.

7.   His answer to this is, I should take a day off work if I want to discuss bills or whatever.  Then he bitches because I only work part-time. ANd he also bitches if I do housework on the weekends, because this annoys him. (More like, I think it guilts him out b/c he knows he should have done it during the week.)  It doesn't seem to matter that it annoys me to sit in a messy room all weekend.  (You can’t do anything to please him can you? And again….what has he been doing instead of these adult activities. Double bind situations are physically unhealthy as well as mentally).
8.   OK, I am beginning to see why I feel so desperate and stuck here.  There is no way to win, is there? NO, not with these rules.

Yeah, this is just stupid.  Unfortunately, I only ever bring it up (the finances) when we are having an argument, and at then I am not going to get a decent answer out of him.  I will have to bring this up sometime when I am not screaming about it, and see if I get a better result. 

9.   From Letter to Ted:  It scares me to death to think about this because, of course, what if we fail?  What if it turns out that we are just wrong for each other? What if you tell me things I really don't want to know? I am terrified. I am almost as afraid that you will say yes as that you will say no. (You ask…. “What if we fail”   Unfortunately, from the constant absorption to the neglected housework and emotional isolation, there is no we mentioned here. He is only the “responder”, not the initiator of realistic solutions.  It as if he always says, “you do something because I don’t have the problem. “

I really take on the leadership role a lot.  I'm not crazy about this, but when I try to bring it up, that causes an argument.  It makes me feel like the only responsible adult (LIke meg Ryan in The story of us. ).  But, somebody around here has to steer the ship, so I guess I'd better do it.

I'm not sure why it's this way.  Probably some of that basic irresponsibility that I have been talking about all along, and partly a difference in personalities, I think.  It's more like he says, "You do something because I have no idea what to do."

Erin, when I look back over all your comments I see several things:
a.   This has been going on many years. That tells me this not a phase or an inability to express himself. He does express himself. He basically says “leave me alone” again and again and don't think another woman would make a difference here.
b.   You have probably put off a strong confrontation because you may feel very strongly that number 9 is the outcome.
c.   You are talking about all of this because you can’t stand to live like this anymore and you are ready to at least ready to give lip service to number 9 being a reality.
d.   He knows how to “not talk to you” and intimidate you into at least temporary silence. I don’t think another year of not expressing your need or anger will make a difference here.
e.   I feel a third person preferably a professional is needed to break this pattern. If he won’t go you may have your answer to question 9, but I would still seek support for myself.

It;s true that this has been going on for years.  But, things are so much better than they were on the day we got married.  We have made a lot of progress. He is tons better at expressing himself, most of the time.  Then we have these weird times, when it seems like we have just gone back about 5 years. Like I said, I have no idea what (or which one of us) sets this in motion.  For all I know, It could be something I am doing that triggers something in him.  Or it could just be that he is being a pissy-pants little jerk, for whatever reason.

Actually, there have been serious confrontations.  I have packed my stuff twice in the last 7 years.  The first time, it resulted in therapy that did do us some good, but we got too close to some of my old abuse issues and I had to quit.  The second time we were already in therapy, and had the ability to talk out the problem before I actually got in the car and drove away.  IN both cases, the problem that forced the confrontation got solved and has not been an issue again. 

One of my customer/friends told me something the other day that made me think.  The gist of it is, sometimes we get our feelings hurt for no good reason because we mis-perceive the other person's intentions.  What we may think is rude or disrespectful may just be that person's manner, the way they were brought up or what is normal where they come from.  THey may not mean anything by it at all.

This has been the case with a lot of my marriage.  Ted and I came form opposite poles when it comes to a lot of things like communication abilities, sensitivity, perceptions, introspection, and so on.  He does not get me a lot of the time.  And, as I so richly illustrated this week, I don't get him either sometimes.

Thanks to all of you and your kind words, I can see where we have some real issues--communication, responsibility, and being available.  I sense that these are really deep issues with him, which is why he goes nuts whenever we get close to one of them. He is going to have to cope with this, or alt least we will have to come to some kind of workable solution so we can keep some kind of order around here. 


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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2009, 10:37:42 AM »
But, somebody around here has to steer the ship, so I guess I'd better do it.

Erin,  can you take a really good look at this statement? and ask yourself: is this true?

Why do you have to do it?  What would your life look like if you didn’t? 

Or, better yet, what if you decided to only steer the ship that is your personal vessel--and not take on the job of steering his? 

The reason I ask that is because I am so familiar with this trap. I have done it, and I try to do it every day until I make myself stop.  It’s easy, easy, easy to fall in this ditch--and when you do, you can kiss your sex life goodbye.  I am not talking about two loving adults taking responsibility for different aspects of their lives together out of mutual respect. 

I am talking about one person feeling (as you have expressed) that you are married to someone who can’t think ahead enough to play checkers--and that you have to pick up ALL the dropped balls that result from his lack of forethought.  If you feel that way, you are going to feel too much animosity to have wonderful sex, and if he knows you feel that way (and maybe even shares your opinion) it will kill his motivation, too.

Sex is so much about our images of ourselves--much more than it is about the other person’s image.  You said someplace that you are more educated, better read, more widely traveled and that you make more money than he does.  Do you know if that matters to him or not?  Does it matter to you?  Does he think that it matters to you?  Does he suspect that you are keeping score (have you told him so, in an angry moment?)

There are practical solutions to some of what you are struggling with:  not being able to reach him or your son.  Get a second line on your phone.  Yes, it costs money, but it is cheaper than marriage counseling.  If this is a big issue in your marriage, taking up emotional energy that could be used to have sex or to deal with more life-altering issues, then use your power to make it a non-issue. 

If you are doing all the work around the house and you want to have weekends free, hire household help.  Where I am, there are lots of people looking for that type of work--and they arent expensive.  Again, cheaper than therapy--and again, it removes one more thorn under the saddle that is distracting from the real stuff. 

Those are some practical things that can take the pressure off in areas that you DO have control of….then there are the areas that are harder.

When I look at what you say about yourself, I see a lot of self-hate.  You use words like: garbage, dirt, ugly.  You hated your pictures of yourself.  You said that you had been through a lot of degrading things in your childhood and that you have plenty of experience being passed around sexually.

You also said that you see your job as salesmanship--and that you are good at using sales skills such as flirting, etc.  But that it exhausts you to keep it up longer than the time you spend at work.  I can see how the techniques you use at work may actually be intimacy-limiting….you have to use techniques that give the impression that you are available, while at the same time keeping customers at a distance. And that would be exhausting.
Can you think through WHY you are as good at that job as you are?  Most of us who are comfortable in our careers are doing something that comes somewhat naturally.  (My job in the restaurant is really just my homemaking skill magnified to cover two restaurants).  How much do you think you were damaged sexually by the things that were done to you?  Do you think you learned to tune out on an emotional level, while connecting sexually?  Has sex ever been a kind of numbing agent for emotional pain?  If your husband is withholding that, what do you do to deal with the pain?  Do you have another option, or are you left with all the pain and self-hate, and no way to deal with it?

If you and your husband met in that environment, do you think you carried any of that way of coping with intimacy into your relationship?  You are ready to be real and loved and cherished, but did you pick someone who was comfortable in the more distant relationship that you began with?  Maybe he is not shifting gears with you because he has never learned the skills to do that--and he was attracted to you in the very beginning because who you were didn’t ask him to learn them. 

When he says he liked it better when you were with someone else, maybe he is expressing his wish to be more comfortable and not be responsible for these other areas. Sex was fun, but you got your self image boosted through your job and you were emotionally committed to someone else.  Maybe the prospect of being responsible for all those aspects is more than he can face.

I’m not making excuses for him….but rather coming up with some more plain vanilla explanations for his behavior than that he is a narcissist, gay or has a Madonna/whore fetish.  Maybe those are true…but maybe it would be good to start with an easier explanation and ask those possibilities to assert themselves more obviously.  Then you can decide whether his inability or unwillingness is a deal-breaker.

One thing that may make you feel a little better…all relationships go through those-over-the-top, head-over-heels periods interspersed with what-the-hell-did-I-ever-see-in-this-person moments….its part of the breathing in, breathing out-ness of relationships.  (well, maybe less dramatic people have less extremes--but all of us on this board are pretty dramatic  :)

Maybe it’s good to know that what you are dealing with is normal married life, mixed with each one of your issues about intimacy that make you genuinely unable to see through any other glasses.  And the time constraints that two people working have.  And the body issues of growing older.  And hormones.  And kid issues.  Lots and lots of stuff mixed together and almost impossible to untangle unless you journal.  Talking to each other before you have done that just balls things up further.  Men don’t untangle by talking--they problem solve differently.  Sometimes they problem solve by playing video games.  That’s the truth.  Sometimes they avoid dealing with issues by playing video games.  To the onlooker, there’s no way to know.

Keep journaling…use responses on this thread to dive deep into issues in your life that probably have been waiting for just this opportunity to be healed and resolved.  Good luck!

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

Redhead Erin

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Re: Not desirable--husband is a huge jerk--so sad--help
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2009, 10:34:16 PM »
What a lot to think about CB!

I can't focus on this tonight b/c I have go go to bed early/get up early.  I will give it some thought over the next day or two and think it through.

What I have been noticing is that Ted is very angry and very defensive.  Several times today I tried to ask him for information about some aspect of thae shit we ahve been talking about here, and it keeps degenerating into yelling.  We have been to therapy three times alteady.  Two were duds and one got too  close to my issues, so we had to stop. 

I have told him that he is either going to get past whatever it is that causes him to act this way, or he will have to go.  I am done living with his mood swings and his stupid guessing games.  Last night we had a stupid argument (another one) and then this morning, I asked him why he said such awful things.  He said he didn't mean the things he said, it was just in-the-moment bullshit.  I got to thinking about that tonight and asked him whether he remembered that our one good therapist had told us not to do that, and he said he had NOT been making up the awful shit he said to me, he actaully meant it.  And then he went on to tell me that the only thing he made up was the part about making shit up, which he did jsut to shut me up and end the argument.   :shock:

I was furious about this for about 5 minutes.  Talk about frustrating! There are no fucking rules here.   Nothing makes sense and the rules change continuously.  Is he a complete asshole? Is he just completely ignorant of normal relationship behavior? WHat on earth is going on here?  it is even weirder and more disconcerting than dealing with my mother!

But then I realized--this really is not about me!  He was angry when I met him, nothing has changed in that department.  He has been defensive and unwilling to discuss emotion, responsibility, and so forth the entire time we have been a couple.  He ALWAYS gets defensive and tries to change the subject whenever I try to ask him a serious question.  It can't possibly be me. No normal man gets his panties in a wad because the wife decided not go grocery shopping on Saturday, because it is just got to late.  No normal person gets so het up about simple questions.  Normal men don't pick fights for no reason and lie about emotions. 

Normal men dont go around hurting the person who loves them most for no apparent reason.  It isnt me, goddammit. Its him. Its him.

I have a whole lot to think about. I need to get some sleep. I feel horrible and I think I am getting sick.  Bye for now.
