This is my marriage:

(Don't worry, Dr. G. It's public domain. )
Really. My husband has got to be the most literal-minded person I ever met. He could not grasp an abstract thought if it had a handle.
I made a comment today which lead to my admitting I was still hurt over the suggestion that I take a lover. The man is totally incapable of understanding why this bothers me. He sees it as a totally practical solution to a simple problem.
What I meant: me: Honey, I am feeling really neglected and very undesirable. I feel like something is really wrong with me and maybe our marriage. I need you to pay more attention to me and I want to have sex more than every week to ten days. I feel very lonely and alone.
What I heard:
Him: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. You think you have problems, well I have problems too. You want sex more often, then go find a boyfriend on the side. I have better things to do than worry about than whether you feel lonely, like sleeping and painting my war-game figures. Now go away and let me get some sleep.
What he heard:
Me: Honey, I need some stuff done around here. I am really not getting enough sex and the roof is leaking.
Him: Well, I don't have time to fix that. Why don't you call a roofer in the morning and, while you are at it, go find a boyfriend on the side.
I cannot get him to understand that my problem is only partly about sex and much more about attention, neglect, loneliness, and fear.
Let's be brutally honest here. I can get sex. I could get paid for sex if I was so inclined. I routinely turn down offers of decent money from decent looking men,
because that is not what I want. I have never been faithful to any relationship except this one, but in this marriage, all I want is to be faithful. I love this man very much and all I really want is to be loved as much, and in the same way, in return.
Sex itself is not the issue. The issue is, I feel alone. We work opposite shifts and hardly see each other during the week. He will not carry a cell phone and it is impossible to reach him at work unless it is some kind of emergency. He does some housework, but for everything he cleans, he leaves a different mess for me to clean up, so it's not like he is actually helping. When he is home, he leaves the computer on line all the time so I cannot reach him. When we are home together and I call to him from another room, he always answers "what!" in this mean snotty voice that makes it abundantly clear that even my calling his name is a huge imposition. The fact that he does not even want sex with me is just one more aspect of this bigger problem.
I have tired to address this issue with him before. Part of the problem is, there is no good time to discuss it. We have so little time alone together, and most of it takes place while one of us is trying to get ready for work or go to sleep. I have considered asking him to write letters or email back and forth, so we can re-read things and answer thoughtfully and in our own time, but I am afraid that this would not work. The good side is, nobody could be confused about what was said. He has both physical hearing problems and cognitive listening problems, and frequently what he says I said and what I really did say are two different things.
Another part of the problem, however, is that he just does not want to be bothered. We have had the cell phone issue in some form or another since I was pregnant. I have mentioned to him many many times that I want him to have one. Either he refuses, messes it up in some way (Like before they hung up at the end of the call by themselves, he never terminated the call and ran through 300 minutes in 6 hours) or just claims it does not work. He did not even want to have a cell phone when I was about to deliver our son and might need to get hold of him fast.
Our wedding anniversary is coming up on the 19th (yikes--that's THIS WEEK! I thought it was next week.) Last Valentines day we were is such a better place. He gave me a beautiful card that started out with "Lets promise to always be in love...." and it was just so appropriate for where we were at the time. Looking at it now makes me cry.