Thanks PR,
Yep I suspect thare is an endless string of emotions in play as we make different moves in our day.
This morning I took 3 items from the desk out to the kitchen and was 'pleased' to keep things where they ought to be, took my pills, have some press out ones, and am extra careful that the the foil backing doesn't end up in my mouth (pain), or on the floor (annoyance at trying to pick it up) (feeling sloppy if I were to leave it), watch the kettle of boiling water while making my coffee (imagined pain of it slopping on me and memory of a girl, 40 years ago, wheelchair, whose kettle handle broke off as she passed the kettle over her lap) that leads to a couple of times I did scald myself, and one was with the N, dressed and clothing stuck and when I asked him to drive me to Emergency, he said, "Take a cab" (still in bed) while the other I was alone, in my nightie, and grabbed a bag of ice to apply.
That is just an example of a string of thoughts that take place in a short space of time, bringing back memories of what I might have learned from the past, but perhaps not the same feelings felt at the original happening. I doubt anyone's mind is ever blank, for real, ( well let's not make that an absolute) as I expect there is always a thought taking place. I think that the only truly happy people are outrightly insane, because they don't even know they are unhappy.
Re my pain, right now sitting with my left knee rotated outward, I have only a dull ache in it and am aware of it but am not cursing it. I inwardly curse the pain more when there seems no possible painfree way to put this leg in the middle of the night. That is when I must get up and sit it out. Then at 5:00 this morning, I forgot the brake on one side and as I moved to transfer to the bed, the chair moved backward away from the bed. There was no saving me, so I lowered myself to the floor, not upset though as this is the 3rd time. The other two I misjudged, my hip hit the mattress and knocked me back from my swingover.....but I came up with a solution and that is to push the mattress away from me, from on the floor, and now the height is cut in half. I can use my arms to raise myself to the box spring, the box spring to the chair, pull the mattress back, and try again. I am pleased I figured that out so I know if I miss, I can get out of the mess. Meanwhile there is no fear, as there might be, or let's say embarrassment if I were overweight and became wedged in the tub.
And yes, you have stumbled upon an area that interests me, as I never thought of this before. It is only the phrase "Happy 's just a moment in time" that I wrote into one of my songs, that came back to me when I read your post.
I can relate to lying awake going over a conversation that will take place tomorrow, and is ALWAYS never as I am mulling
in my mind...
...and I can tell you that money does not buy happiness, and not even satisfaction, but it does help pay the bills. We are who we are and I expect everyone goes through a range of different feelings, thoughts, memories, every day without noticing, except if they are one of us, and even then, I doubt we identify every feeling.
Right now I feel 'excitement' as my maibox has rung twice.
All the best, both
Edit--hope it doesn't go through twice--had an error!