Scarlet woman...hmmmm.
There was a woman who lived locally, who asked one of my neighbours for £20 for something or other, and when he said no (she wasn't known to us at the time) offered him oral sex for the cash. In the middle of the day, at his door, with his partner indoors. She was a drug addict, it turned out and turning tricks from her flat. Indiscreet? Sad? Scarlet?
If you drive down the N11 from Figueres towards Barcelona, you'll see woman sitting on fold-up stools, by the edge of the road, alone, waiting for men to pick them up. And men do pick them up.
Not sure where there are men sitting by the side of roads, waiting for women to pick them up. But hey, let me know if you know.
Sex. Humans are obsessed with it. Anyway, the question was....and the answer is:
Have I been viewed as the SW? I very much doubt it. The idea is a bit laughable for me. I'd have to get me a feather boa or something.
Have I viewed myself as the SW? No. I don't view the local woman as one either.
Nice topic!