Hi All,
Not sure if you read a previous post, but I recently met with my brother and we were discussing our NM issues, but it turned ugly (no personal attacks or anything, just a lack of understanding and support). I was in the car with him, got fed up and I asked him to stop the car, so I could get out. I walked about 15 blocks back to my car.... ANyway, I have to address the meeting - so here is my proposed email. I would welcome any comments or feedback. Basically, if I sent this to you - how would you feel? Its Ok to be critical - I want to express myself without exacerbating the situation or escalating to a fight.
Dear Brother:
Our last visit was really unpleasant for me. I felt you were overcritical, preachy, unwilling to listen and see another point of view and above all, your discussion of "choices" seemed to be more of a reflection of your life rather than mine. I'm afraid that you were not listening and you miss the other persons point of view, then you'll make assumptions and conclusions based on misinformation that will lead you in the wrong direction. That is not productive for any of us. Also, if you are not aware of how Narcissists sabotage the relationships, careers and sanity of their adult children, you might want to do some more research or discuss it with your therapist, before invalidating my feelings.
The visit ceased being productive or supportive, in fact, I felt verbally assaulted, which is why I had to get out of the car.
I use "you" alot - is that a NO-NO? Any thoughts?