My Nboss just responded to our salary negotiations with a long email that
(hold your breath, this will amaze you):
1) enumerated and exaggerated every fault (I have some)
2) belittled, minimized and glossed over an impressive (not to him) list of accomplishments, initiatives, improvements
I marketed our company so well this year that despite the recession, he still made $4.5 million. But I'm paid about like a junior secretary. I even got us on In national magazines (even editorial mention, not just advertising), on radio shows, etc, etc.
He just really got into it. Longest email I've gotten from him all year. Still get a tiny raise, but am being paid waaaay below my responsibilities and performance regardless.
I'm suffering but less than I used to. Overall, I'll be using this as more motivation to get the hell out of here into a new job.
One day it will happen and it will be SUCH a pleasure to leave.
thanks for listening,