thanks to everyone for their input but bear, this is exactly what i am talking about!
for instance someone may ask how did i spend the weekend and instead of saying fine, i will go into detail of what i did, with who, if it was the man i am seeing what we did, what he did, how i reacted to it etc, etc, etc. UNSOLICITED information.
the only justification for me now is that NM made me narrate with every detail what i did, then used the info against me. for instance, if I would go out with a boy who was a bit loud, she made me feel at ease to tell her everything, then when she was screaming and yelling (maybe only a few hours later) she would tell me i am no good for dating troublemakers.
most of the times bear just like you, i regret sharing all this info. the man i am seeing now is a bit of a sphinx, but i do admire his ability not to share too much to others. i don't completely agree with him, but i see that sometimes this is useful. maybe this is what i am learning.