You know, I think this is a very important topic...Kudos to you, as others here have said, for handling it in the way you did. But I think it's important because I see Narcissism, while primarily as a result of being raised or surrounded by Ns, also being taught, in part, by society. Children today, whether or not they have parents who are Ns, are more prone to narcissism. It is rare to find a child these days who thinks of others, who is not selfish or materialistic, and who does not possess a deep sense of entitlement. I know parents have a hard time saying "no" to these children because it is so prevalent among their peers. But if it's not nipped in the bud at an early age, it can blossom into full-blown narcissism, and ultimately great unhappiness and sorrow not only for them, but for those around them.
I so wish families would pay more attention to this "selfishness and entitlement" of children today....because even "normal" children can adopt a deeper sense of narcissism. It is a dangerous trend indeed.
I think it's a good sign your son (who harmed your other son's tv) felt badly...even if it was only that he lost control. True narcissists never feel guilty or badly about anything. But lately I've realized how prevalent true narcissism really is in our society. I was raised by Ns & I work for a true N....and my current N boss wasn't the only one. I've had several....and I'm just more aware of how many there are out there and what damage they cause for all of us. Great topic.