Sealynx recently made a good observation in another thread, saying that other family members may realize that something is "off" with the N in the family, but will opt to take the easy way out (side with the N) rather than have the N turn on them.
This was interesting to me because I have an Aunt, my NM's sister, who has always known that something was very wrong, but basically decided to remain completely neutral. She would occasionally make generic statements about M "having her moments," but it never went beyond that. I always wondered how much she really knew, and how she really felt about M's mistreatment of me.
Well, something interesting just happened. Some of you know that my NM has terminal cancer. She was diagnosed back in June, and given a month to live, 6 months maximum. Technically she should be dead, yet she's apparently doing quite well, and is sitting around spending her time trying to guilt everyone into giving her non-stop attention.
Anyway, M's sister, the Aunt I referred to above, has a 49-year-old son who went missing about five years ago (he apparently got fed up with the all the family drama and took off). A few weeks ago, that son (my cousin) not only resurfaced, but announced that he's getting married. I emailed him, filled him in on some things, and told him that I'm NC with my mother. Also that I've been kept pretty much in the dark when it comes to both my sister's battle with breast cancer and M's cancer. This was his reply:
"As I understand it, your sister lost both her breasts due to cancer, then had surgery to have 'replacements' implanted, but that an infection occurred and she had to go back to for additional surgeries. She's not doing very well. As for your Mom, I don't know as much, but it seems like she has been a bit of a 'drama queen' (surprise!) based on what my Mom has said...."
WHOA! Snap! I just about fell off my chair. Nothing said about M's cancer, only that she's behaving like a "drama queen?" Wow. My Aunt has always been very diplomatic, and very careful with her choice of words. For the first time in my life I feel that I'm not the only one - that my Aunt DOES know, and DOES see it, and in fact, seems pretty annoyed with it.
This is what I suspect may be going on. I think my cousin's sudden appearance, doubled with the news of his wedding, has taken the attention away from my mother, the dying queen. M has always hated my cousin, so I can visualize her stamping her feet and steaming "how DARE he steal my spotlight." Obviously her behavior must be pretty bad for my Aunt to comment that her terminally ill sister is a drama queen.
Which also makes me wonder about this terminal illness my NM has. She seems to be doing awfully well for someone who should have died months ago. I'm beginning to wonder if things haven't been exaggerated for the sake of gaining attention.
Sorry this is so long. I just thought I'd pass that along, as it was a huge light bulb moment. I now realize that yes, my Aunt DID know, and yes, was taking the safe road. All this time I thought that my Aunt was siding with M. Based on some other things that my cousin said to me, it now appears NOT to be the case. She was just playing along, so as not to incur the wrath of M.