I second this motion. I am a registered member and you could pm your complaints directly to me, if you like, rather than disrupt this board further. Although, I'd much rather if you have something kind and helpful to offer and I'll do my best to treat you with the same, and with respect, if you do pm me.
I do not feel shame for offering a kind word to a person who's children are being poisoned against her, especially since I know that feeling quite well. I do not feel shame for thanking CG, in the "Ramble Cafe" thread, since she has offered kindness to me, more than once, and I do not feel shame for posting this:
"Post subject: How to be abusive 101
How to be abusive, a step by step recipe:
1.If you need to feel better, find someone and demean them. This works great with those closest to you, since they have already been conditioned. It is equally effective if you are able to use a degrading situation against them, if the situation is such that you can lord it over that person. You may also be dismissive or insulting at will. If you can put them down while being clever and subtle, it is even better. It keeps them off balance. Push their buttons, you know exactly where they all are. You may even want to "act nice" while you do this. This is particularly effective if completely unprovoked and "out of nowhere." Remember, it's all about You getting what you need!
2. Deny that you did it. You may want to act self-righteous, act as if it is their fault. Tell them that they are too sensitive, or that that is just like them to feel that way. Be outraged that they would accuse you of such a thing after all that you have done for them. Tell them that there is no need for them to ruin your life. Point out how they lack credibility regularly. Puff up and try to make them feel bad for even questioning you. Pull rank. Play games. Whatever you need to do to keep control of the situation.
3. If this fails, use their own guilt against them. Fog the issue with their own fear of you that you instilled since the beginning. Make them question thier own judgement, (this will be easy because of all your prior work). Use their sense of obligation or family loyalty. Never, never underestimate the power of Guilt! You will find this to be very useful. You can make an adult question their own thoughts despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary! It's unbelievable, really, but it works. Most of them have been so brainwashed they can't believe you would do this to them and thus they will allow you to keep doing it. How great is that?!
4. This is the most important step of all - Make them think that they are responsible for your actions! Take no responsibility whatsover. This is the key that makes the whole thing work! (Warning - If they really get this, and begin to believe in themselves, you are sunk)
5. Repeat at will - It will always make you feel better and give you what you need! Happy Abusing, and remember - It's all about YOU!!!
PS - The above will not work if they have figured out that you are in fact responsible for your own behaviors. If they begin to understand that you are deliberately using their own sense of fear, guilt, and obligation, they will begin to see the Truth and the above will not work any longer! Be Forewarned!! " because it speaks directly to this and other threads.
So Meadow, I'm sorry that your request for assistance has been pre-empted. The real villan is the abuse we have all suffered and it's effects.
Let's all get back to offering Meadow support, and understanding, so she will have something to help her get through this difficult situation she is dealing with, eh? I'm rallying for supporting eachother, and for offering positive and useful, not negative, shame inducing feedback.