"Many people go into certain vocations for the wrong reason and the training in and of itself does not make a Psychologist."
M. Scott Peck writes that in order for a patient to get well within the arena of counseling the therapist must be capable of genuine love.
Dear nolongeraslave,
There have been many therapists in my life, my real first one came right after I was kidnapped at the age of 11, my first experience with therapy. The therapist at first frightened me but as I risked telling her my story, even if at the time I only told my story from an intellectual perspective of facts rather than feelings, I began to feel my therapists compassion which looking back I can see made a difference, no matter how small it was, it made a positive difference.
I had another therapist in high school who I worked with for about 2 years, she was wonderful, like a mom, sweet and very empathetic, she really helped me to like myself on some levels enough to risk living again after so much family damage.
Then there was KC, one of my favorite therapists, she was pure tough love, really solid. She helped me with the initial full fledged layers of shame as well as helped me to learn about anger, she used to get a yellow whiffle bat, hitting her couch with it, she modeled anger and that my anger was OK, even if I was barely really in touch with it at that time. Later in life I could look back to KC, her smiling warm face of acceptance of all of me, to get relief from the overwhelming shame of my anger when it did fully start to surface. KC made a difference.
Then came Peter, my psychiatrist, he was as close to pure gentle love combined with compassion and intense intelligence. Had not been for Peter, I would never have lived this long or I would still be looking for a father to rescue me. I did most of my deep core abandonment trauma wounding with him, safely, coming through many dark tunnels.
My one bad experience with a counselor even had its' good side. This was an N counselor that brought me to the board in a state of confusion and distress. But through the pain and confusion that her deception heaped on me I was able to learn more about myself, my mother, and healing at much deeper levels. This counselor did indeed re-victimize me but through her re victimization I was and still am working my way of of victim mentality.
Hope that some of this helps provide some insights or comfort.