be·lit·tled, be·lit·tling, be·lit·tles
To represent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage: a person who belittled our efforts to do the job right.
To cause to seem less than another or little: The size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings. See Synonyms at decry.
When I was 4 my mom left my sister and I, for a year, in the care of an aunt and uncle that I had never met before. The aunt was a young mother of 4 small children, taking myself and sister in as well.
The trauma of being abandoned has been up for me many times throughout my life either when dating or a relationship fails or by simply other rejections in life that trigger the old memories. I spent 40K on therapy to uncover and unravel the pain, before I even knew what the pain was about.
Working through the old pain, the Original Pain, really healed me back into loving and living again, at least as much as a person with such hardwired fears, memory or loss could live and love.
Lately, I have been feeling the crushing blows of belittlement. That feeling that as a small child, when moving through the pain, the hurts, the feelings of outrage at the betrayal, NO one cared,

my feelings and experience of painful reality was insignificant, unimportant.
As I said above, belittlement feels like a crushing blow in your heart, as if someone you care about, really care about, is stepping on you, rubbing their foot all around your face and squishing you out of importance. Once, when in the pain of belittlement I wrote a poem.
This morning I went down stairs into the kitchen to see that my roommate had left her crusty cereal bowls in the sink, knowing that she knows that I can't stand dishes left in the sink--I am clean, don't like clutter, need order. However, I understand that sometimes we are just too tired to deal with our dishes and I myself left a few dishes in the sink the other night, something I rarely do. I wanted to send her an email saying "can you please work harder to not leave dishes in the sink," as I was feeling the sinking feelings of belittlement, that my wants, needs and ways are insignificant, less that what others could care about.
Of course I will not say anything to her, as I have tried to learn over the years that when I am in memories to not trust my responses to current life as the pain tends to color my world.