I have seen some information on hormonal/immunological and adrenaline affects on a fetus/baby when it is in utero. The studies ranged from the affects they have on sexual orientation, gender identity and self identity issues. It's hard to explain in a nutshell but basically, if the pregnant woman suffered some severe trauma and produced too much adrenaline the affects on the fetus can range in these directions. New information in the medical world to explain transsexualism, homosexuality, bipolar disorder, etc.
When I was 4 or 5 months pregnant and on Easter Sunday, I had an episode with my NM which left me shaken and my heart raced and for some time until I calmed down. I was so upset I decided right then and there to check myself into therapy for dealing with my NM. I continued to go to therapy until the birth of my daughter. I have to admit that during some therapy sessions, I became upset and exhausted from the realization of my life with my NM. I felt I had to go to therapy for the sake of not wanting to feel the way I did on that Easter Sunday and for the sake of my unborn child. I thought I was doing good by my baby and trying to acquire some tools to handle my NM a little bit better than I was, especially being pregnant and wanting to be healthiest I could be.
But now, I'm thinking that maybe all that therapy and digging up all that dirt and emotions perhaps produced too much adrenaline in my system and my daughter will possibly have some developmental issues, so to speak. Did she suffer from in-utero trauma with my emotions?????
I know this sounds weird and I may be over the top worried, but maybe I did the wrong thing instead of the right thing. Any one have take on this? Or even know what I'm talking about?
These docudrama things always get me all riled up.