Hi Bear,
"I have a toxic person in my life and the bond is strong between us only because of this toxicity and I can not shake the relationship loose. Is this right? "
Yes, that's essentially what the books says. When we go thru trauma with someone else or if someone causes us trauma, we can have a 'trauma bond' with that person. If someone who was supposed to protect you causes the trauma (or enables it) then you have the trauma + the betrayal, which amounts to the 'betrayal bond' with that person. It's really hard to break this 'betrayal bond' with that person: they keep causing us pain, yet, we stay & can't leave: this is because we bonded to them via trauma & betrayal.
"As I see it, I will forever be a victim to this person because I may, or may not, be facilitating their power over me and so the bond continues and that leaves me wondering why this person won't leave me alone."
Yes, Bear, I see what you're saying, but let me put it like this: We may facilitate their power over us like a kidnap victim facilitates Stockholm Syndrome. So once we become conscious that we have become subjected to Stockholm Syndrome or the Betrayal Bond, we can set ourselves free. So, I don't want to say we are forever a victim because once we see the Stockholm Syndrome or the Betrayal Bond, we can start to change ourselves & set ourselves free.
I agree with you in that if we remain unconscious of Stockholm Syndrome or the Betrayal Bond, the bond continues & we can't understand why they don't leave us alone. Perhaps we 'can't understand why they don't leave us alone' because we don't see that WE can leave them & walk away & go 'no contact'. We don't feel/understand that we hold the key to our own jail cell.
(((((((((((((Bear))))))))))) So sorry for that shock & awe experience
This book really helped me, so hope you read it because it's amazing. It opened doors & I never felt the same.