The stress of working with my mom is too much. I see the anger in her when people don't bow as she walks by. She cannot take anyone questioning her authority.
Ns are not capable of running a business. The nature of their disorder makes it impossible.
My NM opened her own business 20 years ago, and I got hoodwinked into working for her. She opened her own business because she was unable to work for anyone else. Being better than everyone else, she wasn't capable of being an employee and taking orders from someone. She had taken a job with a talent agency, with an agenda - she had big dreams of making my brother (the GC) a child star, so took the job at the agency so she could promote him. After two weeks of being an assistant, and being treated as such, she walked out in a huff and declared that she could do it better by herself.
My co-dependent father mortgaged the house to buy this business for her. She had NO idea what she was doing. I took care of everything, because she was so lacking in education that she couldn't balance the books. She wouldn't take my advice on anything, claiming that she had years of experience in the business and knew what she was doing (even though I never saw her work a day in her life when I was growing up). She would blow up at people who didn't treat her with respect. She would throw tantrums when things didn't go her way, or sometimes cry and put on a sympathy act. She was losing money because people were out to get her, not because of her incompetence.
Then she got a hair brained idea of bringing in other agents to work as private contractors, sort of like a hair stylist who pays to rent a station at a salon, but isn't an actual employee. I advised her against it, but she told me that it would bring in easy money. Well, once these people came in, used her office supplies, set up shop, and didn't bow to the Queen, she wanted them gone. All this time, my father continued to take out loans to keep her afloat. She never paid me a dime, saying that the business was losing money. However, every time the GC showed up needing money for his private acting lessons, private schooling, yada yada, she wrote a check.
After a year without pay, I couldn't survive on food stamps anymore, and went back to a paying job. She went out of business a few months later, and BLAMED ME. To this day, she blames me and the people who were working for her for sabotaging her and undermining her efforts. She was "an expert in the industry," and everyone else was out to get her.
Ns are not capable of holding down jobs, because they cannot take supervision. But they also can't operate their own businesses. Yes, being the business owner places them in charge, but that's not enough. If employees don't behave as expected, they fly into a rage. Don't mean to ramble, but this is my experience, anyway. Ns do not belong in the workplace, in any capacity, especially one with a very severe case of narcissism like my mother had.