Author Topic: The irony  (Read 3934 times)


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Re: The irony
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2010, 07:09:48 PM »
I thought my NM got better for a couple years.  Oh no, I got "hooked" like a naive fish again.  For my wedding, my NM was terrible... showing no overt warning signs before hand of course.  One thingshe did....  She pulled my new husband aside right before we left for our honeymoon and informed him she might be divorcing my step-dad before we got back in two weeks.  My husband didn't tell me for 2years, ohh she is sick!!  Now my husband is finally disgusted after she pulled a bunch of "tricks" on me after my daughter was born.  Let's on she will behave, states she will when asked.... then disgraces herself and loses contact with her only daughter.  Hope for this narcissist??  No way!!!!!!!!!  These people dig a grave for themselves to step in, they just THINK we push them in. 

I'm so disgusted with the way my NM leads her life, I don't know why she bothers to get up in the morning.



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Re: The irony
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2010, 03:33:46 PM »
I thought my NM got better for a couple years.  Oh no, I got "hooked" like a naive fish again.  

Hooked like a naive fish - that's a perfect way of saying it. Each time that my mother started acting as though she were improving, it was because she wanted something from me. Probably the best example was when she wanted me to work for her business for free. She was SO nice to me, acting like nothing bad had ever happened between us. But when the business didn't work out for her, she went right back to her old ways, and yes, I was left feeling like a sucker. It's amazing how they can have these sudden recoveries when they have a use for you.