Author Topic: The irony  (Read 3932 times)


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The irony
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:33:34 AM »
Hey everyone......long lost Kelly here.

I was thinking about it.  It is ironic.  For so many years I took my narcissistic mother's crap because I figured in the end I would get a huge inheritance.  I could take all the stuff for a big pay day.  Then I got to thinking.  I had cancer and now I have diabetes.  My brother has had his heart valve replace twice.  My mom will probably live a very long life.  She will be the last man standing and the joke is on my brother and me for putting up with her stuff all these years.

On another note......guess what my mom got me for Christmas?  You know how when you go to the department store and you buy some Este Lauder perfume you get a free gift?  Yep.  I saw the perfume in her bathroom for herself and I got the free gift!!  Funny.  I bought the perfume and free gift and gave her it all for Christmas!!

Also our business has declined so much that our current sales will not even cover the overhead.  So mom has to continue to put money into the business to make it maybe the joke isn't on us at all.  Maybe she will spend it all......

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: The irony
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 11:09:20 AM »

Sis and I know there'll be nothing but bills for us....even though she talks the enticement talk.

Take care of yourself.


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Re: The irony
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 11:56:01 AM »
Dear Kelly
 Life with N's is one irony after another. You give them all, they destroy you for your efforts. You love them and they hurl your love in your face. You give your trust to them and they break it as they laugh at you.

PS In many ways, I am doing with my H what you did with your M. I stay for fear of bad things happening in the big bad world IF I leave but bad things ARE happening to me cuz I stay.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 12:05:52 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: The irony
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 01:08:29 PM »
Another thought ... we as children of Ns need to take care of ourselves emotionally (including going low contact/medium chill/no contact as needed) because it WILL affect us physically if we don't. I would not be surprised if your emotional baggage from your relationship with your mom is a big chunk of the trigger for your physical issues.

I have had chronic depression all my life, and just last year when I was trying to go off the antidepressants, I had a severe depressive reaction when my mother verbally attacked me at Christmas. In the past year though, I have become a lot more educated about what to expect from her, and have been able to see much more clearly that her problems are just that, HER problems. I have been off the antidepressants for two weeks, NO SIDE EFFECTS from going off, feel fantastic, and I have even had a couple of crappy run-ins with my mom and was able to recognize that SHE has a problem rather than feeling depressed because I am such a crappy daughter. I am SURE that my physical and emotional issues are not completely resolved, but definitely are better than just a year ago.

I also have migraines, an autoimmune skin disorder, a sleep disorder, and probably Syndrome X (pre-type II diabetes symptoms). Stress makes all of those things worse. I can't keep my mom from being who she is, but I CAN keep myself from taking all the blame for her nonsense.


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Re: The irony
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 01:56:21 PM »

I am so sorry to hear about your troubles.  Please take care of yourself.  I wish you healing & peace.


PS:  Here's a great website:


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Re: The irony
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 02:10:17 PM »
Don't fall into the money trap. It has been my experience that they sometimes use it to fake love but they are just as unable to understand your need for it (over theirs) as your need for real love.

My parents did absolutely nothing to insure our well being as adults. N's don't seem to think ahead very well and its all about them when they do.
When I made the mistake of casually mentioning the possibly of being forced into early retirement by our ignorant governors financial rape of higher ed, my mother flew into a rage and told me that I "couldn't do that!" She was assuming that I was going to ask to borrow money from her, which I NEVER have.

 It was certainly not my intention as I have always known I was "on my own" and have retirement funds in place. After Katrina when I stayed with them because my place was destroyed and my job uncertain (and it was also almost impossible to find affordable places to live), I offered them the one small check I got from the government (they had a 4 bedroom house and could well afford to help me) and they TOOK IT!!!. They also didn't refuse when I offered to buy groceries and contribute toward the utility bills. They had no problem letting me know how much their bill went up with me there. These are people who routinely entertained guests from France for weeks at a time. But of course those were important people.

I know of no other parent, not even of those in much less affluent circumstances than mine who took the only income their child had after they lost everything to the storm. During the time I stayed with them I ended up working THREE part time jobs, one of which was starting to take advantage of me by trying to use me to finish a project worth several thousand dollars as a minimum wage contractor. When I balked, my father yelled at me saying I was lazy and needed to call the people back immediately and agree. Hadn't I worked diligently at the same job for over 25 years?? Since when was I lazy?

The few months I spent with them was highly instructive. For the first time I got to compare how I was being treated in a true emergency versus how others I knew who were really loved by their families were treated. All their constant talk of not seeing me enough (lip service since they only visited me 5 or 6 times in 20 years) was revealed for what it was.... Talk to sound "normal."

You may also find that when they get old and become frightened that the end is near they will be even more difficult to deal with and leave you a mess to clean up (like trying to liquidate a business in default) . My mother's house is now in reverse mortgage because my father refused to spend the money for an umbrella policy, then got into a minor accident which resulted in his death. The evil PI attorney sucked every cent out the house. Personal Injury attorneys know that most elderly people have homes that are paid for and that is the first thing they go after when the old person has an accident. I begged my father to put the house in my name when he got older, both for estate reasons and because of just what happened. He refused, even though I have never been anything but responsible!!

The older they get...the worse it can be. Good luck


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Re: The irony
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2010, 02:23:06 PM »
Thank you for the website ((Ann)). I can see from the intro page that they GET the NM.    x o o x  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: The irony
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2010, 02:33:47 PM »
Hi Ami,

Yes, it's probably the best NM web site I've ever seen, very helpful.  Read it & weep, right??  Then, celebrate because someone "gets" it, we aren't alone & we may be able to break free.

I see you're really getting to the bottom of a lot of stuff.  It's fabulous, you go girl!!!

Ami, (& all), I'm reading a fantastic book called "The Flight from Intimacy: Healing Your Relationship of Counter-dependence - The Other Side of Co-dependency " by Janae B. Weinhold  & Barry K. Weinhold
The book discusses finding our "Self".  I think it's a great read for a D of an NM.

Sorry, didn't mean to hi-jack the thread.

Much love & healing to you, Kelly.  And much love to Sealynx & HoP.



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Re: The irony
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2010, 02:35:26 PM »
I will get the book right now, Ann. Thanks!   x o Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: The irony
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2010, 02:41:52 PM »
Excellent, Ami!!

I hope it helps you as much as it's helping me.



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Re: The irony
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2010, 03:43:56 PM »
Don't fall into the money trap. It has been my experience that they sometimes use it to fake love but they are just as unable to understand your need for it (over theirs) as your need for real love.

Absolutely! Ns are extremely good at using money as a weapon. I, too, spent most of my life trying to suck it up and get along with my NM, thinking that one day I would get restitution in the form of an inheritance. I was also told repeatedly that I was being willed my father's dearest possession - his Emmy award. M got to me do things I never would have considered doing based on these false promises. I even gave up an entire year's pay, and went to work for M's business, for NO pay, because I was promised a future payoff. I, too, believed that she would live a very long life - that she was so evil she couldn't be killed.

Well, last summer my mother got diagnosed with terminal cancer. The first thing she did was to go back on her word, and made sure that I inherited NOTHING. She had my father call me to inform me that I had been removed from the will because I had "been mean to her." She also had my father take his Emmy to my brother, the GC. I'm quite sure that she had it delivered to the GC while they were both living, so it couldn't be contested. It his now his possession, and no one can take it from him. My father also gave him most of their remaining savings, as he believes he will have a "sympathetic death," and pass away shortly after M does.

Well, here's the irony in THIS story. My brother was raised to take take take, but never give back. He would show up at Christmas, collect his presents, and never give a gift to anyone himself. He would never even say thank you. He took money from my parents for numerous cars, college education, and eventually, his house. BUT, now that he's received the last of it, he no longer has any use for them. My mother is starting to go downhill, and may only have a few months left. This Christmas was to be her last. And her precious baby boy, her SON, the golden child, didn't show up. There was nothing in it for him, so he blew off his mother's last Christmas. This is going to sound cruel, but I laughed out loud when I found out about it. She got EXACTLY what she deserved. She raised him to care only about himself, and that's exactly what he's doing. He threw her out with the trash, much the same way that she threw me out with the trash 48 years ago. Let that be a lesson to the Ns out there. You can manipulate your children all their lives with money, but in the end, it's going to come back to bite ya.


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Re: The irony
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2010, 04:25:43 PM »
PS:  Here's a great website:

Wow! This site is FANTASTIC. I just read page after page, and every single word hit home. This is extremely validating. Thank you SO much for sharing.


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Re: The irony
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2010, 06:19:08 PM »
They seem to love those who don't even try!
My sister isn't as bad as your brother, but she has been a money pit and she and her husband have shown zero financial responsibility in the past. They've borrowed well over 100K from my parents and his family over the length of their marriage. To my knowledge they never paid a cent back before taking on more debt. He has also "refused" to let my sister work when they badly needed money. Meanwhile I have worked without pause and nary even a major vacation for decades. At one point when I was subjected to some horrendous sexual discrimination at work and was being harassed daily my father blamed it on me and just said, "Hang in there." No offer of any kind of support for me if I wanted quit and look for another job.

I think N's are definitely attracted to the ones who don't love them. This was driven home to me again recently. I have had both an aunt and uncle die within the last week. The aunt was my mother's brother's wife. She was a really nice fun lady who could be counted on to show anyone in her company a good time. The uncle was my father's brother, a man who frequently cheated and misled my father in ways that were embarrassing. We were treated like second class citizens by them.

When my aunt died, I found out through my cousin and didn't hear from my mother for two days. When my uncle died she called both my sister and I (neither of us ever want to see these people again) and insisted we take our aunts phone number and call to express condolences!!!! Not a word about expressing anything to her own brother!!!

The difference is that my uncle was filthy RICH and socially important. It didn't matter that they laughed in our faces!!! I hope the Devil picked him up in person!! I'll call them the day hell freezes over! At my father's funeral during their "token" visit, his daughter cut me off while I was talking about my father to say that I should buy some herbal remedy she was selling that kept her young!!! Nothing like being put down at your father's funeral by someone who has had her face lifted so often the circles under eyes are now on her forehead.

!! She is an N just like her father and that is who my N mom loves best!!!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 06:48:54 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: The irony
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2010, 08:43:14 PM »
My sister isn't as bad as your brother, but she has been a money pit and she and her husband have shown zero financial responsibility in the past.

I have to wonder what happens to these children when the N parent dies. I have a pretty strong feeling that my brother is going to end up with extreme financial hardship. He has no idea how to manage money. Through his entire life, when he's needed money, he went to my parents house and they wrote him a check. He has his credit cards maxed out from buying high end electronics and toys to fill his house, and when the bills get to be too much, there's M with another check. Now that he's exhausted all of their money, he's headed for trouble. His wife is an extremely controlling N (even worse than my mother is). She refuses to work, and spends his paychecks as fast as he can bring them home. They're going to crash and burn once the bank of Mom and Dad closes its doors. And to be honest, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.


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Re: The irony
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2010, 08:47:07 PM »
Well my bro has had his eye on my mom's sister and her family......they camp at my mom's door and take and take anad bro protests loudly and my bro is considered the bad guy.  The dynamics are crazy.....

I have started looking for jobs again......the family dynamics are a stressor on me and I am sure it is why I got killed my dad and will kill me if I let it.....

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"