Author Topic: I attended a funeral today.............  (Read 1971 times)


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I attended a funeral today.............
« on: January 29, 2010, 10:44:11 PM »
A funeral for an 8 year old girl.  A girl who was born with Trisomy 15.  Who lived longer than her older brother, also born with Trisomy (though I am not sure which gene was affected).  A girl who could not walk, could not talk, who was blind, mostly deaf, who had to be fed with a stomach tube her entire life.  Whose growth was stunted, facial features malformed and who lived her life in a special stroller/wheelchair or laying on a blanket on the floor.

I listened to her uncle talk at the service about how she had impacted his family's life.  Her father read "Letter to My Father", bringing the congregation to collective tears.  Her young classmate, John, who ate lunch with her everyday and read to her, frozen in front of her casket and sobbing as he was lead away by loving adults.  Listened to her teacher, her physical therapist, her instructor for the deaf, eulogize that, though they were hired to teach her, it was she who taught them.

My sorrow today has highlighted an incident with my NM just two months ago.  NM asked how my friend, who is a special ed teacher, was.  I mentioned her work was stressful and how she had recently started a new position where she was an advocate for the parents of handicapped children in the school system.

NM's comments:  "They don't need an advocate.  These children have no business taking up resources in the school system.  They can't learn anything."  So I mentioned one child my friend worked with and how she taught him how to use a fork, though it took the whole semester.  NM said "SEE, that's what I mean.  They will never be of any use."

So, as I listened to so many people who valued their time with, learned and grew because of the relationship with a child who my NM threw away as a burden on society, my heartache was doubled.  For the loss of this soul to those who loved her and lived with her.  And for the loss my NM will never get.


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 10:50:01 PM »
I'm sorry first to hear about the loss in your life ... and also sorry that you have the pain of hearing your NM say such things.

Perhaps it would help you to google L'Arche Daybreak in Toronto, Canada. It is a community where "normally-abled" people voluntarily live side-by-side with the developmentally disabled ... I heard about it from my readings of Henri Nouwen's work, and he clearly stated that his life has been infinitely blessed by his work in L'Arche.


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 05:38:18 AM »
A funeral for an 8 year old girl.  A girl who was born with Trisomy 15.  Who lived longer than her older brother, also born with Trisomy (though I am not sure which gene was affected).  A girl who could not walk, could not talk, who was blind, mostly deaf, who had to be fed with a stomach tube her entire life.  Whose growth was stunted, facial features malformed and who lived her life in a special stroller/wheelchair or laying on a blanket on the floor.

I listened to her uncle talk at the service about how she had impacted his family's life.  Her father read "Letter to My Father", bringing the congregation to collective tears.  Her young classmate, John, who ate lunch with her everyday and read to her, frozen in front of her casket and sobbing as he was lead away by loving adults.  Listened to her teacher, her physical therapist, her instructor for the deaf, eulogize that, though they were hired to teach her, it was she who taught them.

My sorrow today has highlighted an incident with my NM just two months ago.  NM asked how my friend, who is a special ed teacher, was.  I mentioned her work was stressful and how she had recently started a new position where she was an advocate for the parents of handicapped children in the school system.

NM's comments:  "They don't need an advocate.  These children have no business taking up resources in the school system.  They can't learn anything."  So I mentioned one child my friend worked with and how she taught him how to use a fork, though it took the whole semester.  NM said "SEE, that's what I mean.  They will never be of any use."

So, as I listened to so many people who valued their time with, learned and grew because of the relationship with a child who my NM threw away as a burden on society, my heartache was doubled.  For the loss of this soul to those who loved her and lived with her.  And for the loss my NM will never get.

((((((((((((((((((((Logy and everyone involved with the 8-year-old angel plus the angel herself)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Nwomb-Donor's cruel comments sound so familiar!   :P :P  If SHE can't USE them, then she has NO USE for others!  Her attitude seems to be screaming:  "How DARE they have needs that take attention away from ME!  I'M T-H-E STAR!  I'm the QUEEN!!!  I OWN EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE!!!!!"  NWomb-Donors are USELESS twits!!!!!!  ERG!!!!!!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 08:53:34 AM »
This was my impression when I read this---The N's are like a 4-5 year old emotionally. A child might think that but as someone matures, they deepen their understanding of life.
The N's stay at the child level.
Does anyone see it that way?         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 09:12:47 AM »
This was my impression when I read this---The N's are like a 4-5 year old emotionally. A child might think that but as someone matures, they deepen their understanding of life.
The N's stay at the child level.
Does anyone see it that way?         Ami

That sounds about right.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 10:50:21 AM »
Hi Logy,
I once met a little 7 year old girl who was incredibly beautiful. She also had an extremely severe form of cerebral palsy and her little body would writhe continually. Her mother was rich and had a string of therapist who came through every day to massage her and care for her. One morning she simply didn't wake up. Some sort of spasm occurred, they weren't sure what. In her short time on earth she radically changed her mother's life as well as everyone she met for the better. I think very often these children are great beings who come into a family not just to learn, but to teach the ultimate form of love and compassion.

I have learned not to share things with my mother that touch me deeply. It is the old adage from the bible about not throwing your pearls to swine. Save your pearls to share with those of us who can understand. I'm sorry for your loss.


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 12:05:20 PM »
Hey Logy,

My first child was T 18.  When she was born she was only in this world for hours.  After her passing they came to me very uncomfortable and before they could ask I told them yes you can do an autopsy if this will benefit other children born with trisomy. 

When I went to G counsel I was told that she would have not survived that the only one they knew of lived to 4 years but with no quality of life.  They started to read the report with many, many, health issues along with she would never walk, talk, the feeding tube, and then I stopped them...enough!  I dont' want to know anymore but I did ask them for pictures, something, which they did not have.  They do things different now.

After reading your post I went to T15 and then to T18 on the net.  I have never done this before.  There were memorial sites with pictures of the families.  I opened them up and found nothing but love.  I was shocked to find T18 children that survived to 2 years old.  I saw smiles, halloween costumes, make a wish in Disney and *perfect children*.  The two year old's parents were told she would only live 24hours.  She did pass shortly after 2 years but your sharing, the memorial sites, pictures had so made a *huge impact* on me for I can now picture my child 2, 4, 8, and on Feb 9th...26 years old for the first time.  I never could get past just her birth or if she would have looked like her sister and brothers I can do this now.  Took almost 26 years and your post. 
Thanks for your sharing these children have a purpose and come into this life and go out of this life....Just perfect! 

I am so very sorry for your loss and thank you for saving your pearls to share with us (as Sealynx wrote) I understand m ore then I could have ever imagined but I can now.

Thank you Logy.



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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 01:21:58 PM »
So sorry for your sorrow.
Thank you so much for sharing this.  This is powerful and means a lot to me.

Our town school board had a meeting where a parent actually stood up and said that money shouldn’t be spent on the learning disabled because they’ll never amount to anything anyway – should be diverted to other resources like the gifted/talented (my two children needed extra help).
Thank you again, KatG


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 04:23:16 PM »
Oh, Logy.

Beautiful child.
Beautiful service.
Beautiful community.

Except for you kNow who.

I'm so glad your story helped Deb.

I'm really sorry you had one of those moments of utter moral emptiness with your Nmother.

Mine once said to me, when I was sitting in shock over the death of a young classmate (who, though she was a "wild girl" was also a very loving mother to two toddlers):
"Well, it's for the best! She did drugs, you know."

Been there. Know that ache.

And I agree, gradually I learned not to share any deep feelings with her, as she was incapable of understanding them and would often make sorrow worse.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2010, 06:20:37 PM »

I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter!  It must have been very scary and lonely for you 26 years ago.  Four years ago a friend had a baby boy who was stillborn with Trisomy 18.  The family had him cremated and held a memorial service.  They were able to have pictures taken of him with his mom and dad after the birth and these were displayed at the service.  My friend educated me about trisomy disorders and sent me a link to the beautiful memorial site for all these children.  Yes, things are done differently now, thank goodness.

Your story and how my friend's 8 year old's death impacted you underscores how much good one child can do.  How many people they touch we will never know.

Hugs and much love.


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2010, 08:03:12 PM »
This story really touches me. I have a 15 year old child with Turners Syndrome. She also has mental retardation. Until she was 5 she was failure to thrive. I'll tell you, she has a heart bigger than anyone I know. She can also spot a bad egg from far away. Don't throw your pearls to swine! I love that. My parents couldn't handle that she was different and among other reasons abandoned our family. The N's cant handle these beautiful people. They really don't know what they are missing. I learn from her every day and so do those exposed to her. N's are so lost on the love end of's too bad for them.


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2010, 07:50:41 AM »
Hi Logy,
I once met a little 7 year old girl who was incredibly beautiful. She also had an extremely severe form of cerebral palsy and her little body would writhe continually. Her mother was rich and had a string of therapist who came through every day to massage her and care for her. One morning she simply didn't wake up. Some sort of spasm occurred, they weren't sure what. In her short time on earth she radically changed her mother's life as well as everyone she met for the better. I think very often these children are great beings who come into a family not just to learn, but to teach the ultimate form of love and compassion.

I have learned not to share things with my mother that touch me deeply. It is the old adage from the bible about not throwing your pearls to swine. Save your pearls to share with those of us who can understand. I'm sorry for your loss.

That little girl sounds like a little angel.  You're right, very often these children are great beings who come into a family not just to learn, but to teach the ultimate form of love and compassion.  This reminds me of Dale Evans' daughter, who was born with Trisomy 21.  Ms. Evans wrote a book about her titled something like "Angels Unawares".  The title was based on a verse in the Bible about entertaining angels unawares.

And you are so VERY right about the old adage about not throwing your pearls to swine!  These NWomb-Donors are NOTHING but SWINE!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2010, 07:15:36 PM »
What a rough day, mourning and then remembering how emotionally disabled your NM is.  It's so natural to share what is close to your heart with your mother, even when she might be continually disappointing.  I wanted my NM to be that one to share my tears and joy with.  Sometimes I have even felt sorry for how emotionally empty my NM's life is,.... & thought sharing my heart's experiences may "help" her.  I can't stand my NM's negativity (lightly said), and decided she does not belong anywhere near tears or joy....this is God's job to bring her these things.  Anyways..... Take good care, you are a special person for embracing life however it may be.



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Re: I attended a funeral today.............
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2010, 09:57:04 AM »


My sincere Sympathy.

Thank you for sharing a beautiful life. I was touched and felt much joy through the sadness.

xo seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou