Thanks Hops,
Me too

I just had a back x-ray to see if my 40 year old Rods had been displaced in any way, but not by Dr’s or my eyes! (One was taken the day of the accident , but I didn’t know, so there was a comparison on record.) Dr. is referring me to a Neurologist regarding the tremors, and tics and gnashing of teeth.
In 10 days it will be 11 months. The pain is much less but dressing that leg requires twisting into a pretzel, in trying to prevent too much pain in my groin and back…shoulder blade area at tip of Rods there--and am exhausted afterward, too tired to go out!
The therapist is great and I keep improving , yet still have a number of months more to go. I had 2½ months last summer with her, then no therapy until January to date., to heal from 3rd surgery..
The rep for the driver’s Insurance Company keeps cutting down my home care person’s time, so I am currently mapping out the necessities and they are spread over 3 Tuesdays in a row. No more fights from me to keep the time. If I need to, I will hire my own, as my lawyer recommended, and bill it back to the Insurance Co., so they pay one way or another. My way they will have to pay more! I do some things ,but nothing that aggravates the healing of painful areas, as recommended by my therapist.
If therapy is cut again, to have me exercise on my own, I will hire her privately and bill back to the Insurance Co. I will improve faster with her help plus 5/9 exercises are therapist-assisted anyway.
My sister is coming out from Ontario in April and she wants Reiki and Reflexology me! She has a new piece of ‘equipment‘, a MRS1000 mat (Mrs. Mat is it’s name) and she healed her husband’s painful knee and her painful tooth with it, and there is a ‘magic wand’ involved.)
I mind is constantly on the whens and hows of everything--when will I have my dead battery boosted. When will my car be on the road? When will I finally see my dentist after 1½ years away? and MUCH more, but I still offset those circular thoughts by immersing myself into far more traumatic things, such as still investigating others’ theories on 9/11 and am pleased to see more and more big wigs meeting and talking about charging Bush and Cheney with murder, plus I now have my own scenario, having read so many others and taking the best, most likely parts from different sources. The main media is owned and the truth will never 'out' there.
I dare to say that no planes hit any buildings, not 757s anyway-- and the big black eye is building 7 the really intended target, but Towers 1 and 2 were in the way and had to be taken out first, for a most dramatic ending of a ‘plane’/ drone roaring in to demolish #7, but it was shot down, the drone not Flight 93, and therefore the delayed plans and pulverizing #7 so late after the towers.
See how I take my mind off the issues? Before I know it 2011 will b hear and we’ll go to court over this “simple broken leg’ that ought to have healed last June, (from the rep’s actions! She must go by the book, but I am NOT in any book!)
Love………….. to all