I've been NC with my NM for about a year and a quarter. I'm in the section of (lack of better words) people who just walk away, no explanations etc...
The birth of my daughter was the catalyst for this NC (I was very LC in my 20's for about 5 years). I was expecting the birth of my daughter would give me new appreciation for my mother for the things she did for me. Instead I've felt so sad over the flashbacks of how my NM treated me, and her critical nature of EVERYTHING I do. I've exhausted every avenue of dealing with difficult people, and all of it turned to her advantage. She saw how I could take the high road and not argue or get involved in family drama or gossip.... and she used me. She would claim she had a disease, & when she couldn't get my attention like that, she would be really psychologically needy. While I was pregnant I remember almost everytime I talked to her on the phone, she would complain or glorify my brother's sad situation in life (won't waste time explaining this one). It's just an example of what my daughter should not see, a really needy mother competing for my attention.
I was starting contractions on my way to the hospital while driving (water broke first), and somehow I was listening to her BS. I was like.... Gotta go, we'll call later. When my daughter was 2 weeks, my mother was talking about who knows what and I was trying to get off the phone cause my daughter was crying. It's like she didn't hear me talk or the baby crying. What a wake up call, to have my daughter have to compete with Grandma for my attention. With other big red flags (I mentioned here in another post) I followed my gut and walked away. from her.
I don't think my NM realizes I'm left with nothing to work with. In the case of a malignant NM, there really is nobody there to work with. I feel kind of sorry for her, there were so many years I had the bandwidth for her and she always led it in a direction I could not lead back to midline. Now that I'm a mother, I really think with my NM's history it's not a good idea to have her involved with our life. I just get overwhelmed with distraction around her games.
I just don't understand the point in having contact with my NM.... whose peace is it for? What is the point if I feel okay about myself, then get berated by her.... don't let it outwardly show.... then she is more motivated to pull a stunt (which takes sometimes months of planning and seed planting all over the place!).
I've picked apart my weaknesses over and over and just can't stand myself around her. I just think, why did this person bother getting up this am? I've been kind and assertive, never aggressive.... To prove I'm not the one who is out of control (she loves this). It's weird, she is so sneaky, some of the conversations (probably most) I've had with her were nothing but a grand scheme to get her something in the future. What is the point?????
I just feel like such a failure I can't "handle" my mother enough for LC. I'm a very hopeful person, but have none for my own mother....this is the part I feel like I must be the crazy one. I kinda hate her actually.