Author Topic: Psychopathic N???  (Read 1797 times)


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Psychopathic N???
« on: February 17, 2010, 06:32:48 PM »
This woman sounds crazy...but also crazy like an N!


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 02:34:03 PM »
Agreed Sealynx. I've been reading about her elsewhere. Remember Deep Throat and follow the money? The final para of your link gets me, so true to form, attempting to get away with every last thing, disgusting.

Maybe her hubby will clone her in the cell incubator and we'll be overrun with these nutters.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 04:25:36 PM »
The husband has to be very N himself and probably a loser who likes hanging on to a wife who has a good income. This quote from him says it all....

"Bishop's husband, James Anderson, said in an interview Wednesday that "the whole incident was just stupid." Asked if he was referring to his wife's action, he said: "Everything."        "It was way overblown," he said. "Someone trying to make something out of nothing."

Three dead people add up to nothing!!!

And then of course there is the kicker at the end!!

"To get a court-appointed lawyer, Bishop signed an affidavit saying neither she nor her husband has a job, any outside source of income, or savings. State records show that in her seventh year at the university, she was being paid $83,086, and her husband works with a company developing the cell incubator she devised at the school."

N's always feel that they can get away with lies. I guess she thought that no one would notice she and her husband were employed. Also the fact that she would settle for a public defender shows no real understanding of the gravity of what she has done.




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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 07:00:47 PM »
Yes. The husband quote is from yesterday, and presumably he's referring to the 2002 incident where she was

"incensed when she found out another mother had received the restaurant's last booster seat.  Bishop began shouting profanity and punched the woman in the head while yelling, "I am Dr. Amy Bishop!" according to the police report. She admitted to the assault in court, and the charges were dismissed six months later after she stayed out of trouble."
So....even given that hubby may be in shock atm, he refers back 8 years and says that reaction to that sort of behaviour (above) is making something out of nothing. Whoah. Who was making something out of nothing, exactly?

Yes yes yes to your last three sentences. And the gravity of what she's done, meaning in her terms, that she's going to be put away for a very long time. Oh hang on, but she's Amy Bishop! And that sort of thing just doesn't happen to her! Anyway, a mommy substitute will probably sort it all out for her. Btw was this a death penalty state? Not that I want to get into that, I don't.
You know, I guess it's scary, but overall, I just get angry. I get angry with the people who didn't listen to her students, etc etc.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 08:02:35 PM »
I think this shows just how out of touch some people can be and how indifferent society is, even to outrageous behaviors. It makes it easier to understand why relatives don't come running to save us from N moms.

I would imagine she intimidated quite a few people with her credentials and attitude. We also live in a world that is prone to over reaction and frivolous lawsuits. It is hard to tell who is right and who is over-reacting. N's do unbelievable things making it that much harder to believe the victim.

 I'm not at all surprised that the student complaints were ignored because students are increasingly complaining about any instructor who doesn't give in to their demands. To many students a complaint form is just something to fill out when they are having academic issues, personal problems or just can't cut the mustard academically. Whatever is riding on their grade, be it financial aid or getting into grad school, is more important to them than some silly teacher's reputation!!!

 It is not unusual for groups of students to band together against a teacher who holds the line on studying, grades or testing. I have had students make outrageous accusations about me. Fortunately the dean has known me for 30 years and their protest is probably the 40th one that month from students with generally poor grades. But this does means that real complaints don't impress the deans anymore. It is a case of students having cried wolf once too often and worn out what was a system designed to give them a voice.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 10:47:38 AM »
Thanks Sealynx, I didn't realise that about student complaints, but am not surprised either. A lot of things have changed enormously in the last couple of decades - what people seem to think is acceptable social behaviour, their goals, life aspirations...etc.  Too much 'voice' is as bad as voicelessness, of course.

Are people more ignorant now than before? More out of touch with human relating. In our countries? I have no idea. That's possibly an impossible question. Relatives, friends, teachers - they don't save children for so many reasons. Or they might try to, and fail. There's no blame attached to real ignorance. And yes, it can be hard to tell who has the truth about any matter, particularly when N-types really believe their own truth.

I still question myself about some things that I think I know to be true. Memory isn't to be trusted, except probably for traumatic events, and even then, the emotion attached may cloud or distort what happened. I guess I've learned to trust my perceptions enough to question them without wanting them to be definitely true or false. But to believe the unbelievable, I don't expect people to do that. Saying 'I believe this, but don't expect you to' helps me. And maybe it gives others the chance to view my beliefs without having to defend their own. Wow I typed more than I thought I would there.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2010, 03:53:37 PM »
I don't rely on memory for much. I feel like whoever I was long ago is dead. The longer I live, the more I find that the present moment gives us all we need. A good example was thinking last night before I went to bed that I would like to start doing things on the weekend evenings again. I tend to just sit home and hang out since a friend I used to have dinner with found a partner

Before I went to bed I remembered that I hadn't turned off the alarm. Getting up to turn it off just didn't seem the thing to do at that moment so my radio came on at its appointed hour this morning. The first thing out the announcers mouth was that a concert in a small town only a few miles away was featuring one of my favorite recording stars!! The venue is a tiny intimate theater which is perfect for her music!! There is my night out and I couldn't have asked for a better one.

There is a place for contemplating the past but I don't think it should be allowed to swallow the present. You may well find the exact healing you need in the next minute or two.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 05:42:55 PM »
Well isn't it a fact that we are not our past selves? Serendipitous occurance for you there Sealynx. And if I swap the word 'healing' for 'changing', I agree with you.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 08:46:15 PM »
This very news story was what brought me back here today. The whole news story is so fascinating to me. My N father was a PhD professor at a university. So much of the reporting about Dr. Bishop sounds too much like my N father. And the husband...making excuses for his wife's behavior. The narcissist and her enabler. It's all rather freaky.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 10:51:23 PM »
Academia is one of the few places you can rest on your laurels as long as you publish a paper every so often. Your primary responsibility is also toward students who by definition have an inferior level of knowledge. Luckily we don't usually run into the psychotic types, but I've seen some pretty crazy behavior.


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Re: Psychopathic N???
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 11:14:53 PM »

Yep, and for those reasons academia was a great place for my NF. He had so much more freedom to do as he pleased than he did in the business world. It may be one of the few places where, unfortunate as it is to their coworkers, Ns have a chance of being productive members of society without doing too much damage.