Hi Helen, to me the article sounds very much like Alice Miller (and parts of a few other authors I've read). Good explanation of 'the problem' and I agree with you, I think the real self needs reminders, nourishment and the message: go easy on your self, let it go, it's no big deal (whatever 'it' is). Maintaining awareness.
Amber, it *is* in the manual, but not the manual everyone reads - I know what you mean, and I agree, the knowledge is not readily accessible (or acknowledged as such). And one of the biggest problems may be.....that those who are in positions of power, positions where they could influence schools/family life/social organisations....so many are completely unaware of 'the problem', or in denial of it and are lost to themselves so they're going to .......I really don't need to say any of this, it's all too bleedin obvious isn't it.
As to feeling doomed to a life sentence - some people do feel that way, and it seems, they are doomed. Have you heard of a book called 'Stuart, a life backwards'? I don't know what it would have taken for Stuart to be saved. Perhaps an entirely different life. Sorry it's depressing/saddening but it's also real.