"uneducated guesses" are often intuition...
You asked, initially, for examples of the inner child bursting out and actually being "good" in the long run. Wish I had one - and maybe I do and it just hasn't occurred to me - but, for the most part these were more self-sabotaging acts than anything else, for me. These little "me"s can be very scared, very angry and very, very confused. They can distrust all kindness because they've learned through abuse that it usually disguises a put-down, a kick or slap, or it extends the abuser's control over one. In turn, those kinds of "leaks" - where the inner child sneaks out & acts out - can confuse people we interact with in the here & now, because the circumstances & people are completely different, yet there is something that clicks into the experience of the inner child, who now feels the freedom and motivation to finally express herself.
I'm sorry that I'm being so cryptic here. I think you're looking for real stories with the real circumstances, narrative and effects... and mine is long. I've also put all those journals away (there were 16, I think), thinking that I don't need to touch them or write more... as I have better communication (most days) with my inner child - Twiggy - and we've fused or reintegrated with each other. I could be wrong. At one point, I deleted all the posts here with the story in it. At some point, perhaps I'll re-write it in the Member's stories - but it will be different, as my perspective has changed.
there IS hope for communicating with your 2 yr old. She is simply less verbal or cognitive than you are now and won't respond to all that "noise". Try non-verbal images: like the blanket that Helen recommended - smooth her hair, rub her back, hold & rock her... and don't expect her to instantly verbalize her story to you. She might be still quite hurt about her abandonment; but you'll know that she's developing some trust of you, if that little hand reaches out to pat or caress you affectionately. Right now, she only knows the safety of the maze. It'll take some time to show her she can be safe in the sunshine... and she'll begin to wake up.