Author Topic: Unsaid.  (Read 6499 times)


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2010, 11:59:36 AM »
I'm filling mine with ice water.   8)
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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2010, 03:59:21 PM »
tt: I agree that your neighbor committed a sexual assault - your gales of (unhurt) laughter notwithstanding! I was zooming in on what Helen was saying about those indirect, not overt statements that "just don't feel right"... and how SOMETIMES they could be just a harmless, generational tic... I still worry about how one would know and I guess the truth is, you probably don't.

Better safe than sorry, I guess.
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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2010, 09:30:38 PM »
I think it isn't important to know what is in the person's head. We don't owe old or young men a good mind reading. They can pay a psychic for that!!!

If you show discomfort of any kind to what is being said, a normal person worth knowing will back off because YOU APPEAR UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THE COMMENT.  That is all that matters.

It doesn't matter what their intentions were or whether they meant it or not...The bottom line is the person in front of you did not enjoy it. If you don't care about that and continue to press on with the same topic, then you don't deserve to continue knowing that person.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 09:33:19 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2010, 10:40:50 AM »
Yeah!  It would be FUN to hit the bulls-eye!!!!

It could be a new carnival game. Or a video game where one "hit's the bulls eye"

There are plenty of violent video games and movies with aggression directed towards females.

Why is there not a video game for women to "hit the bulls eye" It could be therapeutic.

I'm reminded of those old-school feminist self defense classes where women yell and kick the heck out of a guy in full padding.

Got to love those guys that will get all padded up and let women beat on them. I'm sure there are some ok guys, but there are a lot of not ok guys out there also.


Now if only I had the computer skills to design such a game!

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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2010, 10:42:13 AM »
We should all carry water guns so that we can immediately raise our weapons as the BS starts. Perhaps they would get the message.

I got mine!  And it's shaped like a Star Trek Phaser!!!!!   :D

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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2010, 10:43:59 AM »
I'm filling mine with ice water.   8)

Challenge to keep the ice water at a constant temp of around 32 degrees Fahrenheit when it comes time to take aim and FIRE!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2010, 08:44:30 PM »
When I was in Alaska, spending time with fishermen, I noticed how men lay claim to a female as "sexual territory".
Its barbaric/crude but it is what it is. Some men consult other nearby males via social cues to see if other males have already "claimed" a female without consulting the female- so it's more a matter of what he thinks he can get away with (I find this approach to be disrespectful to the female).

-Men pursuing women incessantly
-Men who project their interest onto the woman in a strange way "I know you want me baby" approach
-Innuendo etc.
-Men who decide that "Hello" means "Yes lets do it right here right now"
-Men who grab or do things like divebomb
-Old men who won't accept aging and want to assuage their own fears of getting old by proving to themselves young women "want" them

I think with all of the above there is something wrong with normal social cuing. When I think about it, none of the above behaviors seem like real courting, it's more like social acting out and/or aggression. It's more of an "acting on someone".

I also noticed that some men will directly and respectfully cue a female and look for a direct cue back thereby "consulting" her in the process. I think this is healthy courting type behavior. This is also an ongoing repeated process. When I think about it, seems this is the only normal healthy approach. Of course there is the vs. versa of women cuing men etc.

Anyways I think I've processed it plenty.

The thing about Nar-mothers is that they don't respond to a baby's/child's cues in a healthy way.
So I think that is why I ended up writing about the Neighbor dude on here is because something about the social cuing process was off.

The social cuing process I guess communicates a lot of different things. From baby to mother: I need this, I need that, I don't like this, I do like that. Same thing with courting.

I prefer direct intentions and clear yes and no signals. Everything else freaks me out.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 10:24:42 PM by Helen »


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2010, 09:41:50 PM »
I'm filling mine with ice water.   8)
Challenge to keep the ice water at a constant temp of around 32 degrees Fahrenheit when it comes time to take aim and FIRE!

A very well trained pet skunk would do the trick.


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2010, 11:18:55 AM »
When I think of the effect that men have on my life it is much more negative than positive even though my two best friends are men. Men are the reason I can't go out in nature to take photographs ALONE and feel safe. When I get in my kayak to paddle off down some gentle river, I'm not afraid of alligators, bears or sharks. They all have fairly predictable behavior patterns and if you leave them alone they will likely do the same for you. I am afraid of being raped by some "red neck" who will do whatever he can get away with and is stronger than I am. That whole constellation of issue you mention is what can make a woman's life not only unpleasant but dangerous as well....which is why I have a zero tolerance policy for it.

I was watching a program the other day on women who date men in motorcycle gangs. Some wore jackets that literally said "property of" the gang. The program discussed how these women did whatever the gang wanted and that many had been raised to feel that they should spend their lives pleasing men. I was really amazed...there was no responsibility whatsoever placed on the men who were portrayed as basically hard party types who frequently had legal issues. I think the more we demand respect and teach men that we aren't "objects" but people, the better the world will be. Unfortunately they still run it, but we raise them and sometimes encourage or allow them to be offensive people.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 01:22:42 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: Unsaid.
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2010, 12:04:14 PM »
I'm filling mine with ice water.   8)
Challenge to keep the ice water at a constant temp of around 32 degrees Fahrenheit when it comes time to take aim and FIRE!

A very well trained pet skunk would do the trick.

I like that idea!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!