They even ask him when is he coming to a dance with out me. He has not gone without me in one month. But, I do believe that it is a matter of time. Becasue he likes the attention and for some reason he needs the constant reassurance that other women give him.
he says that he does not ahve an will not have sex with anybody and will not do anything with anybody. In fact, I do belive that I am the prettiest lady in the bunch because they are fat and do not take care of them selves, I am the only one who exercises, walks six miles, play the piano at church, have an education and a profession, many of them do not even have a job, and he knows that he will not find a woman like me.
Still, I do not say that to make feel anybody here who does not have a job or who was not blessed by go with an education, please, do not take me wrong, i am just trying to talkl about some facts, if you think I am bewing arrogant please, let me know, i will npot do it again.
Still, that I do belive that I am a better catch than all those women, still, i feel mistreated, inferior, and humilliated. I do nto know if I should really ride that stors like I was told in one of the posts or to give up and leave classes. I already told him that I did not want to go with him next Monday and he told me that it would be my loss. I think that I am going to go next Monady and if he does it again, I have to take lessons in another place and let him have fun althought it is going to be very painful. I wish I did not feel like I feel. Just feel like a victim, like mistreated, like nobody loves me, like I am not the favorite of anybody, i want to be the favorite of someone, i want somebody to pamper me like I never was when I was a kid. I guess that meeting this man has made me go backwards in all the progress i had gotten in the past.