OK, he did it last night in a very subtle way.
We were walking in my regular walks on the beach with my walking club. Drunk spring break students came to us. He said he was 21 and a 41 women was chasing him. He aske our opinion. My bf M said, "take me where she is" all my friends laught. I said -"see"? He said, "what have you been telling your friends"? I said, " it is in your mind" It is deply planted in your mind, and I know you are not going to get that 41 year old woman, but it is in your mind"
I felt bad but not as bad as when I see putting his chick on another woman. He wants to feel the warmness of her body or her respiration, her breath? It kills me. I have told him. I was going to decide to try to detixify my self and try to desensitize and watch him doing it against my will to see if I can learn to be a tnago dancer.
I have seen many couples that are married and dance with different partners. It is part of the environment. But I have also seen couples that devote to each other 100% and very seldom dance with other partners and keep a descent distance. I think I should be happy if I get that, but the problem is that even when he is keeping his distance, i feel bad. So, that part I have to work on my self.