Author Topic: What we will never get from our Ns  (Read 16333 times)


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2004, 10:37:46 AM »
It's almost like our parents knew each other and shared that handy childrearing tip with each other ....what did they all read it in a magazine one day..."to isolate child for fun and profit, do the following...."  

KJ -

I love reading your posts...  You have a way with words.  Ever thought about writing??   :)[/quote]


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2004, 10:48:57 AM »
Quote from: OnlyMe
why I react the way I do - as a kid growing up, I was responsible for any little thing that went wrong in my NP's lives, even bad weather!

Last year my counselor suddenly asked me if, when growing up, I felt responsible or accountable for things I didn't know or couldn't control.  I said "of course!"  It was an "aha" moment for both of us.  He told me to write down, "You cannot be accountable for what you don't know."  Such a simplistic thought, but what a revelation for me!

Every now and then I get a flash-forward of riding it to NM's funeral some day - after all, I'd be dressed in my black leathers, how appropriate?!!   Oh, bad thought!

Oh, I absolutely love it...   8)


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2004, 07:53:53 PM »
Oh my!!!!!  At a job interview they asked me what I like to do on my own time.  Guess what?  I don't do anything.  I mean I really don't do ANYTHING.  I would like to garden, but I've got too much housework to do.  I would like to go shopping but I feel too fat to look good in clothes.  I would like to do a lot of things.  

I went to a workshop on how to be a good hostess.  Name cards.  Centerpieces.  I won't even invite anyone over because my house has to be perfect to have guests and since it is never perfect, I can't have guests over!!!

My brother and sister-in-law ride Harleys.  My brother got a huge eagle tatoo on his back.  They are almost 50.  It is like my brother suddenly decided to do and be what he wants to be.  Much to everyone's shagrin!!!  And even mine.  I can see that he is going waaayyy over board with his new found freedom and hobby that he is putting off potential customers with his Hell's Angels persona!!!  Too bad for him because I can see that he is just spreading his wings and trying to fly without our Nmom's approval!!!

I think we both "rebel" (and I use that term lightly since we really are too old to REBEL) from anything that my Nmom tries to influence us on.  She tries to dress me like her so I take great joy in growing my hair and wearing blue jeans.  She would prefer a perfect Christian son, so he gives her a Hells Angels wannbe........................

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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apologies, real and FRAUDULENT
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2004, 07:56:52 AM »
There is a marvelous book, something that seriously gave me the courage to split from my family, particularly the Nmother--it's called HOW DO I FORGIVE YOU?  by a Dr. Spring, she's a psychologist.  All my life, *I* was the culprit for "past" hurts still hurting me, she'd "apologized," which was never really the case, all what she was mouthing...this book zeroed in, like those first few posts in this thread, about REAL apologies, and the manipulative kinds.  I *loved* the book.

My Christian faith has that built-in "turn the other cheek" thing going, and this psych really does a good job of addressing the problems with that, but without attacking Christianity itself--she's Jewish.  Her advice and examples are really good.

I emailed the first chapter to my enmeshed sister, from a Good Morning America excerpt..and she was PISSED...I was trying to explain WHY I cut the mother off...and she phoned me, whining, "Of *course* I understand why," but her tone and vibes extremely negative.  She's the type that you can't say what YOU want without her spinning it into you wanting HER to do same thing.

Anyway...excellent book for this topic.

And how you can forgive someone without them even knowing it, they don't have to be involved.  That is for YOUR benefit.



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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2004, 08:34:39 AM »
Thank you for sharing the book info.  I will put it on my list of books to read.  And I most of all want to thank you for sharing that you have been able to put a distance between you and your NMom, even with your Christian faith.  I am bogged down by the fifth commandment, and am hoping to somehow see the old bat through to the end of her days on earth, then it will be for God do decide what to do with her (hence my auto signature " Vengeance is Mine, Sayeth The Lord.")  Your post today has given me strength to stand up a bit today.  The past few days have been exceptionally brutal.
Thank you, again, for you have helped me see there is light ahead, and I must take control of my reactions and protect my soul.

~Only Me, too tired to log in!


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2004, 09:37:28 AM »
Hi all:

Onlyme, I wonder if it would help to explore more fully this statement of yours?

"I am bogged down by the fifth commandment".

What is bogging you down about it?  Just a thought.

"The past few days have been exceptionally brutal. "

Sorry to hear that, it's not easy or nice.  I hope things improve soon.  Remember to keep some energy for you.

"I must take control of my reactions and protect my soul. "

This is so challenging isn't it?  For me it is.  I can relate so well.  At least you are aware and have the right intentions.  That counts for a lot.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2004, 03:13:52 PM »
Hi Only Me

I'm afraid I am a lapsed Unitarian amoung other things - which is to say I'm not entirely sure about the 5th but I imagine it is honour your mother and father. I'd be interested to hear  more from you on this.

There must be so many ways that this commandment gets reinforced as we grow up, even if we didn't get it from the Bible. I know my NM would say, "Charity begins at home." I've never known the source of that.  

So, rest up and then maybe we can all parse this commandment -see what purpose it is serving.  What has that woman been doing to you!?

with concern,


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2004, 03:45:54 PM »
To you who are bogged down by the fifth commandment - I beleive that means you make sure they have a roof over their head, are being fed and taken care of, but here is the kicker. You just have to make sure it gets done - you don't have to be the one doing it.

Can you get nursing care for the person? Can you and whatever siblings you have pool enough or will Medicare or the Canadian system help with this? Have you checked out other alternatives to save yourself some grief?

The fifth commandment doesn't mean we have to take whatever these Ns dish. Just a thought and hopefully a help to those suffering.


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2004, 07:24:52 PM »
Thank you, Les, and last Guest.

Right now I am coming to grips with learning, by a phone call from someone, that my NM is planning a big show and sale to get rid of the only things my NDad left me in his Will when he died a few months ago - and she plans to keep the $ b/c she was his wife, and in her sick mind, that is all that matters. What a shock! I had no idea.  I have been trying to be kind to her, and told her that I would not take anything out of the house as long as she lived there, so as to avoid an upheaval.  (background : she told me I inherited ZERO, but I learned a month later via seeing the will that she lied).  Thus, my comments that she is a lying, backstabbing, manipulating N!  

When we talk on the phone, she is ever so nice, and I got lulled into complacency once again, and I am angry with myself about that!   So, tomorrow I am driving hours and hours to her hometown to see about some legalities, without her knowledge, and then driving home again.  

I guess I am worn out because I am trying my best to do the right thing (that Fifth Commandment ringing in my ears and it seems to over-ride everything), to see her through to the end of her days.  And I guess part of me expects the same sort of respect in return.  (when will I learn?)  Therefore, it always comes as a shock when I learn the extent she will go to sabotage me and my life.  She is nice to my face, and stabs me in the back at the same time.  Sometimes I can almost see horns and a red pointed tail.

And, I guess I have had enough, and am worn out.  It is a million little things piled one atop the other, until I can't carry any more.  The last thing I want is to expend more of my precious energy on her, and thus, I keep trying to wait it out, trying to tread water until she dies, all the while keeping up appearances.  With no siblings, or close relatives, only dearH, I am trying just to survive.  This time tomorrow, I should have a better perspective on things.  Right now, I am exhausted, and resenting that I am exhausted.  I am in remission from Cancer, and I'll be damned if that NM is going to get me so run down that a cancer cell gets a chance to grow.  So, when I become worn down by NM and her manipulations, like I am these past few days, I become doubly angry, frightened about my health  and resentful.  She stole the first fifty years of my life, and I'll be damned if she steals any more.  
Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope for better things.  There are going to be come changes around here, come hell or high water.

Thank you for helping me keep my head above water. :cry:

Just thought of this : "The Truth shall set you free."  Here's hoping.
~ OnlyMe


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2004, 07:28:44 PM »
...for what it's worth, as an observation -
-- when I pressed "Submit" I started to shake, for fear that I might be betraying nM by telling what is happening.
I know that is not a good sign!
~ OnlyMe


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2004, 08:31:27 PM »
Quote from: OnlyMe
Right now I am coming to grips with learning, by a phone call from someone, that my NM is planning a big show and sale to get rid of the only things my NDad left me in his Will when he died a few months ago - and she plans to keep the $ b/c she was his wife, and in her sick mind, that is all that matters.

I don't know if you're aware of sociopathy but that is what's going on here. It's not a betrayal to describe a parent's sociopathic behavior. It's an observation you're making and a very prudent one, since you must  protect yourself. Sociopaths will do anything to grab a quick buck, even sell out their own children or anyone who is in their way. This just happens to be your bio-mother but she is basically a petty criminal. That's just how it is. Not your fault, not even her fault. But a fact.

I'm glad you're going to get legal advice. I hope you can protect yourself. Self-preservation trumps the 5th commandment. And hey, I never saw lightning strike anyone yet...



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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2004, 08:54:33 PM »
Self-preservation trumps the 5th commandment

I've been sitting here trying to offer words of comfort and wisdom, and all my words felt trite. Then bunny summed up what is essential in one sentence.

Take care of your needs, first, OM, learn what that means to you, and the rest will follow. You are a caring individual- you can trust in yourself that you will do the right thing. But first,  take care of yourself.
Walking through that net of guilt and fear that was set up for you long ago is part of that- you will grow stronger everytime you allow yourself to move from your own determination, and not from imbedded programs.

Take care, Only Me, you know you have a support system here . Phoenix


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2004, 09:11:03 PM »
I don't know where to insert this- we don't have a Birthday thread.

Happy Birthday, Discounted Girl! aka Swan! I hope your day was  lovely and shared with your loved ones.  :D Phoenix

Birthday XXX & OOO.

Discounted Girl

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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2004, 01:00:41 PM »
hey thank you !!! what a nice surprise to see this !!! please don't ask how old I am ...  :lol:


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What we will never get from our Ns
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2004, 01:25:26 PM »
I don't understand all the unearned guilt here. Gulit is something we should feel if we do something wrong. I beleive inappropriate guilt is possibly caused by someone constantly invalidating us. Why do you all think this unearned guilt exists? Is it because we think we are fundamentally bad? Or is it a habit? Do you think these Ns suffer any guilt? And what would be a good way to dispense with the unearned guilt and get moving towards healing ourselves. And does it exist because we don't want to do the work of healing ourselves? It seems to keep us stuck in an unhealthy place, in a limbo so as not to make hard decisions. I think there must be a payoff for it. What could the payoff be. Any perspectives?