This is long, but some may find it interesting. If I were a psych major, I'd be writing a paper on this. We all know how convincing Ns can be, but now they can take it to the next level with the help of the Internet. My N SIL has managed to make her delusions of grandeur appear very real by using the Internet to reinvent herself, and create and sell a new persona. Some of you may have Ns in your life who are doing the same thing.
When my brother (the GC) first married this woman, she had moved to CA from Maine, and my brother got her an entry-level job at the film studio where he worked. She went on to have ten jobs in the next two years, always telling stories about how she had to quit because the company was violating labor laws, someone was sabotaging her, etc. (translation: she can't get along with anyone). A few years into the marriage, SIL's N traits went wildly out of control, and she was having major confrontations with my N mother. M told her baby boy to get rid of his wife. My brother, being completely co-dependent, wouldn't divorce her, so sent her to Africa for a few months over Christmas holidays to do some volunteer work for a wildlife sanctuary that helped cheetahs.
So here's where it gets weird. SIL came back from this trip convinced that she was the new Steve Irwin. She started setting up web sits, blogs, etc., touting herself as a world renowned wildlife expert. Her blog bio says "I am an Internationally recognized wildlife expert, author, consultant, and educator who gives lectures on wildlife conservation." However, the blog uses only her first name, states her location as "Sunny California," and has no contact info. She's covered her tracks. If anyone wants to use her so-called consultation services, there's no way to contact her.
I recently found a Facebook page for a wildlife rehab group that she co-founded (it's just her and one other girl). She calls herself Vice President of this organization. She has something like 24,000 followers. She has a resume on Linkedin that is a complete fabrication. A smart person would see red flags all over the place, but many wouldn't. For example, she says that she is a former "volunteer zookeeper" for the Los Angeles Zoo, and that she cared for big cats, bears, and rhinos. Having once worked at that zoo, I can tell you that volunteers are NOT allowed near the animals, especially dangerous ones, for obvious reasons. But for someone out of the area, maybe it sounds plausible.
The other day I Googled a major wildlife rehab center in the L.A. area looking for some information, and the first Google hit, below their official site, was something about my SIL. She has now insinuated her way into that organization! This is mind blowing to me. She has managed to use the Internet to create a fake persona that thousands of people are buying into. She has given lectures at local libraries, sporting goods stores, even elementary schools, and she's a total fraud! She's convinced a major wildlife sanctuary to let her work with lions and tigers, having only a few months of experience as a volunteer behind her. She's actually turning herself into a celebrity by spreading her name all over the net.
This reminds me of a case a few years back with a guy who was arrested for celebrity stalking. The guy had insinuated himself into top Hollywood events, like Oscar parties, and had been photographed with major celebrities. He was a total poseur, but had convinced these people that he was "somebody." I'm amazed at how people can do this - create a fake life, and have thousands of people buying into it.
I think the Internet is an N's dream. If my mother had been young enough to figure out the Internet, I'm sure she would have done something similar. It's just like child molesters who go into chat rooms and hook their victims by pretending to be children. An N who knows their way around the Internet can turn their delusions of grandeur into reality.