Author Topic: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face  (Read 2619 times)


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2010, 09:35:49 PM »
The NM is such a freaking curse!                                                 Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2010, 09:37:07 PM »

As much as you need love right now, I encourage you to reach out to the community you live in and find groups of people who DO know how to give love and support...take in all the mothering you can get from ANYONE with a loving heart and kind touch.

Even strangers can bring you comfort. Open to love itself, rather than just to her as the one who holds back love.

She can't help it. She is who she is. And she doesn't "own" love. There are other sources.

You need to find others who are who THEY are, including being warm and kind and loving to you.

That's what to reach out for as much as you can. Call around and ask for visits. Most churches have pastoral programs. If you don't want to discuss religion then say so. You can just ask for comforting visits, people who know how to be PRESENT, just BE, with people facing cancer and all you're facing.

You need human comforters. And you deserve them.


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2010, 11:07:22 PM »
Thank you for all your responses.

Thankfully I have so much emotional support.  I am truly loved by so many.  I really don't need my mom.  I just long for her to wake up and know what it is to be a good mother.  That's it.  Plain and simple.

I was thinking about writing up a will.  In it I would give my h things and my children things and then I would say, "And to my mother I give my collection of books on Narcissism but only if she promises to read them."

Maybe I could have the reading of the will be public or something like that.  Touche!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2010, 11:25:07 PM »

You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2010, 06:19:44 AM »
You will never be able to make your mother realize what she is like. She will always twist it. So I would not waste time on her in life or afterwards.
When do you do your surgery? You know, the doctors have to tell you there is a chance that it could go badly, but that is a very slim chance. Any operation carries a chance for problems. But if they feel you are a candidate for surgery, that is good news. It means they have hope that they can control the disease.
Keep positive and try to avoid your mother - in thoughts and in person.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2010, 09:30:17 AM »
I agree with Beth. Keep your focus on your own health and healing. You certainly deserve the sympathy and concern of your mother but N's just don't do that. Sometimes we get the subconscious notion that if we get sick enough they will "see". That is not a healing attitude. Find a good book to read on healing. Chopra has some some excellent ones. Put your faith in you and universe.


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Re: Dealing with N mother when you are staring death in the face
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2010, 10:47:20 PM »
You know, the doctors have to tell you there is a chance that it could go badly, but that is a very slim chance. Any operation carries a chance for problems. But if they feel you are a candidate for surgery, that is good news.

Absolutely. Even when you have cosmetic surgery, they have to warn you that you might not survive. There are risks inherent with general anesthesia, and they're required to tell you that. But Beth is right. They would not be performing surgery if there wasn't hope for recovery.

I've posted about this elsewhere, but just want you to know that I understand what you're goping through with your NM, as I have a similar situation going on right now with my family. My 48-year-old sister has been battling breast cancer for several years. My NM also has cancer, and is LIVID that her daughter had the audacity to get cancer and take attention away from her. I've not been able to learn what my sister's prognosis is because S won't return my calls or emails on NMs orders. I've called my father, and he shrugs it off and says "For Pete's sake, quit worrying about your sister. She's fine. You should be worried about your MOTHER." It's all about HER.

I managed to contact a cousin, who talked to his mother (NMs sister), and he (cousin) told me that my sister was having serious complications, and that both NM and F were mistreating her because her cancer was usurping my mother's. NM is 75 years old, and lived the life of Riley. For 55 years my father has doted on her and catered to her every whim. My sister has so much left to live for. She has yet to marry. I'm REALLY worried that she won't make it, not because the cancer is incurable, but because of the toxic situation that my parents have placed her in.

I SO agree with the others that you need to stay as far away from your M as possible. I know how badly you want her to change. I have that same dream - that one day she'll realize how wrong she was, and apologize, and be the mother that she should have been for 50 years. But that isn't going to happen. These people can't change. They go to their graves insisting that they were right, and we were flawed. Stress is a terrible, deadly thing. You can beat this cancer, but you're going to need love and support to get there. Don't let your NM poison you. You CAN beat this Kelly. You have friends, and people who love you. Sadly, your mother isn't one of those people.

Maybe this will put a grin on your face. I had a will drawn up years ago, just as a precaution. If I was killed in a plane crash, I didn't want NM swooping in and taking my money. We left all of our money to charity, and personal posessions to family members. (You fill out a form specifying what items should go to whom). I left all of my valuable possessions to my sister. I left ONE item to my mother: my copy of "Toxic Parents."