You are so right about them being bullies.
I have been relaxing, thinking today. I think my first plan when I get in Monday morning is to pull the rest of my team (3 others) aside and tell them that we ARE doing a good job, that we are NOT going to be perfect in every instance, and that we are not going to let someone else define who we are as people. We are going to support each other, communicate with each other, check each other's work, and at the end of the day, walk out knowing we did our best.
btw, I have found that if I compliment my boss's physical appearance, she relaxes and is happy. "Oh, boss! I LOVE that jacket." "I have such dry skin. How do you make your skin look so good?" When you open the door to let her talk about her appearance, she could talk all day!!! (A coworker recently won a $10,000 package to the Superbowl for 4 days, delux accommodations. Nboss immediately told her "Do not mention this to the rest of the staff. We are not going to spend all day talking about it." Coworker said "but she would spend all day talking about her hair".
So, bad week, but I feel more grounded now. I just needed time away from her. And that's the problem with having an Nmom or dad. We don't get that time away to regroup.