I don't have a specific quote, but I did get the anticipated and unwanted call from my enabling father, who has been told not to call us anymore.
I've been NC with my NM for many years, but enabling F keeps calling, pretending like we have this perfect little family. Doesn't even want to talk to ME - always asks for my husband. Hubby finally told him a few months ago to stop calling after we were told that I had been disinherited at NM's request, very casually, like it was no big deal. He also gave the ONE family heirloom that had been promised to me to the GC, again on NM's orders. Hubby told him that we were no longer comfortable making small talk with him after he had hurt me so badly, but typical for my F, the response was "Lalalalalala I can't hear you."
So he called, and we let him talk to the machine. The typical head-in-the-sand phone call, acting as if everything is okay. Cut me out of the will, but calls to wish me a Happy Easter. Made small talk into the machine about going to the farmer's market and the usual pointless chit-chat. Interestingly, made NO mention of my terminally ill mother's condition. Her so called "terminal cancer" (was given a month to live last June) becomes more questionable every day.
Anyway, that was it. I didn't speak to him, but still wish he hadn't called. I didn't even want to hear his voice on the answering machine. Ruined my day. He's never going to stop. He lives in this world of detachment, almost like a robot. Makes the obligatory holiday calls, sends the obligatory birthday cards, for no other reason that he always has and can't break the pattern. What kind of insensitive freak vindictively removes his daughter from the will, then sends a $3 birthday card, acting like everything is okay?