Author Topic: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...  (Read 2686 times)


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Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:41:14 PM »
If your N's have said anything absolutely awful to you on this holiday, feel free to express it here and leave it here so you can go on with your day. Here is mine.

Said to my sister as by N aunt as they were leaving a regional piano completion in which my niece won second place even though she was the youngest one there.

"Well that was a total waste of my time!"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 02:26:13 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 07:42:15 PM »
OMG -- I believe I've had an N free day!  Oh my!  I'm going to run jump into bed riight now to keep it so nice.


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 09:48:13 PM »
Congratulations, Biddy!!!

Both NM and enabling dad were sick today so cancelled the family Easter gathering.  NM said this is the first Easter since 1956 that she hasn't had her children around since I was born in October of 1956.   Newsflash, mom, I was born in September!  LOL!  I had a good Easter too!


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 10:44:31 PM »
From my brother-in-law:  "I don't have kids, parents or any responsibility for anyone on holidays.  So, I only came over to quickly do my duty, give your kids each a quarter, and say hello.  I'm not staying for any meal or to play with them.  I have to get back home to watch sports.  I wouldn't even be here now except to make good on my promise to be a good uncle."   :?


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 06:37:03 AM »
As with every holiday, my NM, who does not work (or clean - the house should be literally condemned), called to say she sent the kids a card, but late. She does this with every holiday. First, she acts as if they expect something from her (they don't). Second, I guess she does this late thing to show that they just aren't important enough for her to manage to mail things on time. Whatever. She called to say that even though she has not talked to any of us in weeks.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams

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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 08:11:09 AM »
Sealynx - it leaves one scratching one's head, wondering why in the world n aunt bothers to go to the competition. ( I can't help but wonder why your sister invited such poison to come to such a precious event.)


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 10:01:03 AM »
She didn't invite them. They invite themselves and use a really nice woman to drive the 7 hours.  They arrive and then constantly complain about being bored!  Sis and I both live in fairly rural areas where there is not a great deal to do to start with. That leaves TV as the main entertainment.

Instead of enjoying my niece they keep the TV on either game shows or offensive political commentaries. This allows them to get into their comfort zone, anger.  My niece's favorite program is "Ghost Whisperers". They threw a fit because she wanted to watch this one show while they were there. NM and N aunt stormed off to other rooms to watch their game shows alone. My sis usually puts up with them, but she would have decked my aunt if my niece had been in earshot of that comment about her accomplishment being boring.

They also insisted on leaving at 7 a.m. on Saturday.  My sister, who is a nurse, had to work the night before until 11p.m. and needed to be back at work at 2p.m. that day. As noted, they don't even do the driving. My niece loves their "driver" and they text several times a week. Needless to say the "N" are jealous of that relationship and wouldn't take her along if they didn't need her. They put her down and say she is so happy (i.e. enjoys people) because she "TAKES DRUGS". She is very health conscious and takes a vitamin regime. God only knows who they have spread that rumor to! I think one of the things that makes growing up with them so hard is not just the abuse, but their hatred and jealousy of those compassionate people who try to enter our lives.

My mother also constantly harped on the fact that I wouldn't come on Sunday saying that she almost canceled a bridge game on Monday because she knew I'd be there! She has been told repeatedly that I work on Monday. Coming on Sunday would have required a 5 hour round trip just to take them to lunch so she could tell her friends I catered to her. Her final comment was, "I guess I'll have to mail your card and Easter Gift and give away your basket!"

Happy Easter mom.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 10:07:37 AM by Sealynx »


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2010, 10:02:21 AM »
Wonderful definition of an Uncle. We should really put together an "N" dictionary.

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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2010, 11:51:25 AM »
Wow Sealynx.  That sounds like a terrible nightmare.
What lengths they will go to to inflict their pain - hard to comprehend.
I am so sorry for both you and your sister.

But WOW you must be proud of your niece!!!


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2010, 02:18:21 PM »
I'm very proud of her and thinking about surprising her with a new laptop at the end of this school year as a reward for great grades and her many accomplishments.


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2010, 07:58:15 AM »
Reading the quotes triggered a memory of something that NDoofus once said regarding her young nephew, even though it wasn't connected with any particular holiday...

When NDoofus was around me, she often had a BAD habit of calling people at LITERALLY the last minute, DEMANDING they INSTANTANEOUSLY DROP whatever was going on in their lives for HER CONVENIENCE because she wanted to go shopping IMMEDIATELY!!!!  That backfired, one day, when she called one of her sisters and DEMANDED that this sister accompany HER on HER shopping trip!  The sister told her:  "No!  I have an appointment with my son's teachers at his elementary school for a parent-teacher conference!"  NDoofus then calls me up WHINING that her sister DARED say "NO" to what SHE wanted!

I explained that her sister is a mother, FIRST, and her child's needs MUST COME FIRST!  Her response?

"But.......the kid's in MY way!  I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!" 

WTF?!?!?!?!?   :shock: :?

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2010, 08:02:04 AM »
Sometimes I think NPD is an emotional and mental handicap. They lose about 50 IQ points every time they want something.


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2010, 11:05:57 AM »
I don't have a specific quote, but I did get the anticipated and unwanted call from my enabling father, who has been told not to call us anymore.

I've been NC with my NM for many years, but enabling F keeps calling, pretending like we have this perfect little family. Doesn't even want to talk to ME - always asks for my husband. Hubby finally told him a few months ago to stop calling after we were told that I had been disinherited at NM's request, very casually, like it was no big deal. He also gave the ONE family heirloom that had been promised to me to the GC, again on NM's orders. Hubby told him that we were no longer comfortable making small talk with him after he had hurt me so badly, but typical for my F, the response was "Lalalalalala I can't hear you."

So he called, and we let him talk to the machine. The typical head-in-the-sand phone call, acting as if everything is okay. Cut me out of the will, but calls to wish me a Happy Easter. Made small talk into the machine about going to the farmer's market and the usual pointless chit-chat. Interestingly, made NO mention of my terminally ill mother's condition. Her so called "terminal cancer" (was given a month to live last June) becomes more questionable every day.

Anyway, that was it. I didn't speak to him, but still wish he hadn't called. I didn't even want to hear his voice on the answering machine. Ruined my day. He's never going to stop. He lives in this world of detachment, almost like a robot. Makes the obligatory holiday calls, sends the obligatory birthday cards, for no other reason that he always has and can't break the pattern. What kind of insensitive freak vindictively removes his daughter from the will, then sends a $3 birthday card, acting like everything is okay?


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2010, 11:18:40 AM »
"But.......the kid's in MY way!  I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!" 

OMG! This is my NM to the letter. She has a sister who is very well off. M has spent her entire life planning on this sister caring for her in old age. She's been carrying around this delusion that their husbands would die first, and the wealthy sister would take care of her, and that she (NM) would ultimately inherit my Aunt's millions, and subsequently pass that on to her own son, the GC.

Obstacle: my Aunt has a son who is a problem child. She and my uncle were never around, and he was raised by a nanny. Always got in trouble as a kid, and at 50, still has no job, and bums off of his girlfriend. My Aunt has been supporting him all of his life (NM does the same thing with HER son, the GC, but that's different, of course). As the only child, my cousin is my Aunt's sole heir, always has been, always will be. Subsequently, NM HATES him and wants him "out of the way." She and enabling father spend an inordinate amount of time trying to discredit him and turn his own mother against him. M sees him him as coming between her and that inheritance money (which she was never going to get in the first place). But yeah, I hear the same thing from her. I WAS HERE FIRST. That money should be MINE.


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Re: Horrible Holiday Quotes Dump Thread...
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2010, 12:51:21 AM »
My NM is here for a visit and though today isn't a holiday, NM has been saying the most bizarre crap.  You just can't share anything with an N.  Really.

So here's mine:  I cooked me and my NM a nice dinner tonight and sat down next to the crazy buffoon as she was yammering on about how she reads a lot. (uh, nooooo she doesn't, she only reads her Bible and whatever tabloid she thinks is juicy).  I asked her if she has read any good novels lately and her reply, No! I ONLY read the truth and I don't fill my head with someone else's fantasies."

I ignored the comment and went on to tell her that I read the best novel I have ever read (last year) and that my brother, without knowing I read it too, told me that he was enthralled with the best novel he had ever read (it was the same novel I read).  I was talking about the coincidence that me and bro both thought the same about the novel and I went on and on about how the novel is Fiction yet it was based on actual historical events, but the characters were fictional.  Well, NM's brain must have exploded with the information as she looked all bugeyed and confused and asked me, "Why did you read a false story that you think was real?"  I said, "No mom, the politics are factual and the history is factual as it takes place but the characters are made up to have lives within this particular era in this particular country, etc.

I went on to say how wonderful the book was and the author was brilliant, etc., well, again, her little pea-brain just couldn't handle it and she said, "Well Bear, someone else was forcing you to read their mind."  WTF???????

I wanted to beat myself silly.

This thread is great.  I'll be back to share more.  Don't go away.
