Thanks MM - you dear red- caped wonder - It's quite extraordinary how people you've never actually met can influence your life so profoundly -things got rough with the NM today so at one point I pulled out my old trick of calling on MM to save the day - well, you came swooping in -cape and great music. Also conjured up Only Me on her Harley, Ellie too, soon I had an army of supportive understanding people from this board -there are so many and I would name every one but I'd leave someone out -
Re: FEAR - I noticed that I spoke to NM in a stronger, firmer tone today than I ever have before. In doing this I realized I felt much stronger. Not mean, not unkind, I don't think I've ever truly been mean or unkind to her(mind you I've yelled and ranted in a desparate attempt to be heard) but I've needed to be much firmer, much clearer. Perhaps firmness is all we need when confronted by bullying behaviour. Calm, detached, firm.
You know it really feels good to get a hug! Thanks ((((Only Me))))) and (((((beautiful board beings)))))))
Les, oh hell, why not, (((Les)))