I think the biggest thing you need to remember is that your feelings tell you only how you are feeling. They dont tell you whether he is right for you, whether you have good reason to be fearful, whether you should go back with him. Pay close attention to your feelings--they are very important. But they only tell you about YOU, not him.
Here's where you will be able to see more clearly about the truth of what is happening: time. Give yourself time--time with him, time without him. Time enjoying activities with him, time enjoying activities without him. Time at his apartment, time at yours. Time with his daughter, his ex wife, his friends. Maybe they dont like you, or maybe you think they dont. But whatever is happening, dont avoid them. You cant see how he interacts with them unless you are with them. If you isolate your relationship from all his other relationships, you will never know him.
Children of N's grow up learning how to please other people and paying little attention to what they want themselves. You are what he wants. His protective stance may be to take care of all the people outside of himself first. That isnt right, but it is what it is. You have to decide if you want to work through this issue with him. It may be more than you want to take on--but do know that you BOTH have issues and they are playing against each other.
On the other hand, he may be an N. In that case, there is nothing you can work out with him. But there is absolutely no tattoo on him, anywhere, that will tell you that. All you have on your side is time. Dont move forward in the relationship until you have seen what you need to see at the place you are now. Dont spend every night at his apartment if you are not sure of his integrity.
If you decide to try again with this relationship, I think it would be very good to start over. Decide right now that you will pursue the other things that you have been abandoning, like your piano class. Like your walks every day. If he doesnt enjoy something that you enjoy, you dont have to exclude him (he may want to learn to enjoy them too), but dont abandon them all together. I do think that spending every night in a home that is not your own space makes it very hard to have your own inner life.
By the same token, if he wants to do things that you dont want to do, let him do that without punishment. In my opinion, you two may have moved too fast and not given yourselves the opportunity to choose activities (or unchoose them) based on what each of you personally wants. If he wants to take tango classes, and you are really uncomfortable with them, let him choose to take them without you. He may decide that he would rather be with you. But let him decide that.
In the first few months of a relationship, there are hormones and endorphins running rampant that make everything feel like a drug high! You go up, you come down. You go through withdrawal, you crave the drug. Its normal, but it isnt what it will always be. Dont make any major decisions under the influence. Just enjoy the ride and give it time.
Love you Lupe