Author Topic: does your NM go wild with accusations?  (Read 3372 times)


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does your NM go wild with accusations?
« on: April 27, 2010, 02:07:02 AM »
Does anyone have any experience with their NM going wild with false accusations?

I have been on very, very limited contact with my NM and she is obviously hurt and angry. I am trying to get to complete NC as soon as I resolve some financial issues. But next month is Mothers Day and my birthday just before that and I can always expect that towards the end of the month, especially late on a thursday nite, she calls, wanting to "visit" the next day. I decline, saying I am busy. I cannot have any confrontations (its too much for me and I'm really done with the relationship) with her and frankly I dont want to see her anymore. She senses this and comes with a different reason each time. But this last time was a doozy. I point blank asked her "do you have something to tell me or talk about" and this time she says yes, some of Dad's papers are missing and I'm the only one with a key. Ahh. She's accusing me of messing around with my Dad's things.
When I told her I would not see her and have had nothing to do it - she backs down. Then on saturday I get a letter from her in the mail (we argued thursday, she mailed it friday) and its just a poem about not letting life go by without building bridges. Its about the elders carving a place for the young and upcoming. Ugh.  I dont call or respond. I just say Ugh one more time. First she manipulates me with false accusations and I dont even get anxious anymore. Its happened so many times ...its just a ploy.  I'm just worried that the more I pull away, the worse her tactics will get.

Anyone have any similar experience? What do you do to deal with it other than go NC?


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 03:22:12 AM »
Yes I have sort of similar experiences. Mostly I remember not being seen for who I was. There was not even a remote possibility of this. Instead she would project her poison onto me. Like I was evil inside. I remember begging her not to do this. She would do this projecting and judging other people, especially anyone I cared about, and it felt like she was destroying any chance I had of connecting with anyone.

What I am saying is that this is a disorder of thinking and perceiving. What she perceives is scrambled, chaotic, poisonous garbage which she absolutely demands that you accept as truth. This really is soul destroying.
She is projecting. Accusing you of things you did not do.  This is gaslighting and makes you feel pretty ungrounded. Somewhere it says that Ns tell us what they are doing by leaking things out in this way.  Perhaps she is stealing from you?

I sure hope you can get clear of her. It is so difficult or nearly impossible to deal with them. I know I sure can't . No amount of money is worth it and I should know.

Take care,

Sea storm


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2010, 11:01:54 AM »
Ales, all I was able to do was go NC.  My mum has tried to get Children's Services to take my son away from me claiming I was abusing him (she still lives with the man that abused me - in front of her), she's told everyone that knows me that I'm mentally ill, she's told people I've attacked her, that I steal my son's disability money and spend it on myself and so on and so on.  I've been told by a solicitor that I have enough evidence against her to get an injunction taken out and sue for damages.  She is a fruit-loop of the highest order and I keep well away from her.

I think it's very hard to defend yourself against these kinds of attacks.  What worked in my favour is that she showed her true colours to people who knew me well, because they knew that what she was saying wasn't true so she showed herself to be a liar.  People who knew me less well (distant relatives, for example) believed her, but only because they didn't know me so I figured they were no great loss anyway.  I feel for you, it's a very difficult situation to be in.


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2010, 07:28:44 PM »


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2010, 08:49:52 PM »
Wow - thanks for the responses.

Yesterday it escalated. My Nm who lives 110 miles away, showed up at my doorstep at 4:20pm,  I reluctantly answered the door. When she started in with her accusations, I went to get my phone, and turned on the voice recorder feature.  She started to accuse me of stealing my dads death certificate and a paper from the hospital where he died. I was floored. She just kept insisting I am the only one with the house key (probably not - I'm sure my brother has one too - locks have not been changed since we moved in - in 1974!!!)  Anyway, I could not believe what I was hearing. I have nothing to do with this. She has been giving me money while I have continued to assert myself and my self respect and she's hurt and angry. She told me if I did not return the papers - I wont get my monthly check (its part of my inheritance).  Ah-ha. Rather than deal with me directly, she hurls false accusations at me. She's delusional and paranoid. I gave her the house key I had and asked her to leave. Then she whipped out a tape recorder she had in her bag. I laughed at that and asked her to leave. When she left, she said, "you got what you wanted"... huh?

Anyway, I feel liberated.  Time to move on regardless ....if I allow myself to be treated this way for money..I will lose any self respect I DO HAVE 


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 09:39:56 PM »
Accusations are one of mine's favorite tools. After my dad died I tried to help NM with a lawsuit related to the accident that killed him. She constantly sabotaged every effort to help her including accusing me of just wanting to take her car away when I encouraged her to sell an aging luxury car that was constantly going dead in the driveway because she didn't drive it enough. When it broke it was always to the tune of $1000 to fix it. I finally had to get my aunt to talk her into getting a new car. It couldn't be my idea because I was up to no good!!

She uses these in other ways too. She likes a friend of mine who is a CPA because she sees her as a source of free advice and doesn't like it when I come home with someone other than her. She does not like my best male friend, probably because he didn't pay enough attention to her the time he came home with me. After all he was there with ME. She made up a ridiculous story about him "cleaning his boots in the bathtub" while we visited. He had a pair of brand new hiking boots with him but we didn't go hiking and he certainly didn't put them in the bathtub. The story is a complete fabrication!

She lies about literally everything and will make up these elaborate stories at the drop of a hat!


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2010, 10:25:26 PM »
I spent my entire childhood being falsely accused of things by my NM, from stealing her jewelry, to raiding the liquor cabinet when my parents were out, to . . . you name it.

To this day, I'm not entirely sure if M believed the accusations, or if she made them up as a way of sabotaging me and turning my father and siblings against me. The accusations became so constant, that by the time I was in high school, my father was believing them, and also making false accusations. I remember one afternoon, sitting in my room doing my homework, and my father burst in and accused me of smoking pot in my room. He had NO reason to suspect that I was smoking anything, but M had been constantly accusing me of smoking both pot and cigarettes (I had never smoked anything), and he finally started to believe it. I'm just not sure if M believed these accusations, or was trying to gaslight me, or both.

Bottom line, the only way I could end it was to go NC. I still get letters accusing me of things, but at this point I ignore it. I would have to say, that of all the abusive things she did to me, the false accusations and sabotage were probably the worst.


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2010, 08:52:10 AM »
Mind did...but not dramatic stuff.
I remember times as a child when she would ask me, did you do XYZ? and I would say No (I was hugely truthful) and it was like another version of the missing empathy button...she would look at me and just ask me again. Are you sure? are you sure? are you sure?  I don't think she would able to trust even if St. Francis took her dog for a walk, she would've asked, are you sure this is the dog I gave you?

I think there's maybe some degree of paranoia that comes along with severe NPD.

Then when you get to the sociopathic end of the scale of NPD, and my Nbrother is in it...those false accusations can get scary crazy. Hence -- being accused of fraud, abuse, money laundering. He literally did a campaign of slander. All wild, delusional and disproven, but so destructive regardless.

Maybe slander is "wild accusations on steroids". And part of it, with him (sorry--off the NM accusations topics, but Nbrother will do I hope) is projection. Many of the twisted things he said about me were like projected (and sometimes flipped) things about his own behavior (or neglect).

I know how it hurts to be falsely accused....and have family alienated because of it. I'm sorry that happened to you, Ales, Seastorm, Tupp, Sealynx, Swimmer, Kathy--I'm sure the list goes on.

this is a disorder of thinking and perceiving
  Thanks for this reminder, seastorm.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2010, 03:16:35 PM »
The latest development is that after our confrontation on tuesday, she went and deposited the rental income in my account anyway after she told me she wouldn't  - so now I have to visit her over the weekend and tell her this is the last time I will accept it - because I'm not a yo-you where I can go through this every month.

ugh....its like when she knows she will get no contact from me...she caves, which forces me to have to respond to her...ugh..i need to break this vicious cycle or i will never be free...


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2010, 09:45:18 AM »
Ales, I don't feel that you need to go and visit her to tell her this.  Speak to your bank and find out if you can stop the payments being received at your end - if not, change your account so she has nowhere to pay this money into.  You have a month before the next payment is due so there is enough time to do it without it causing too many problems.  Either that or write her a cheque and mail it back to her.  The financial manipulation is a very, very powerful tool - my mum did it for ages and when I cut off contact with her told all my aunts, uncles, cousins etc that I spend all the money they give my son on myself, so they now mail cash for him to her which she puts away for him.  It's all done as a way of disempowering.


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2010, 12:31:30 PM »
I have to visit her

No, you don't.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2010, 02:46:18 AM »
Basically, I am going to visit her tomorrow to clean out all the stuff I still have in my old bedroom closet and will cut any ties I have with her (I returned my house key) which means she will have to rely on others for help while out of town or with the annual brush fires and stuff.

Its kind of simple - no more $$, no more disrespect, no discussion, no arguing, no futher contact.

I need to liberate myself verbally, financially, organizationally (the dumb old stuff in my closet) and finally. Then in T I can deal with the more emotional stuff.  Its hard financially because I need a new job now - but that might be the trickiest part....the actually hardest part will be the NC stuff, I expect her to play games with that (creating emergencies, bribes and such) but will work with my T on that. I feel like I made a huge mistake getting involved with her financially again, but maybe it was a final lesson I had to learn
I know I sound like I am backing down, but of course, I cannot underestimate that asserting yourself while being involved financially is very hard and I'm sure it made her angry and it hurt her, but honestly a caring mother would never let her daughter sacrifice her self respect for any amount of money.


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2010, 03:53:56 AM »
Ales, I would take someone along with you so that you have a witness, the last thing you need is her calling the police claiming you stole from her or beat her up - sounds far fetched but she will be so angry when you cut ties there is no telling what she will do.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Good luck with it, it will be a difficult day, will be thinking of you xx


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2010, 08:07:38 AM »
ManipulationManipulation, manipulation, MANIPULATION

There are zillions of ways to enter that word here bold, all caps, lower case yet the meaning never changes.  When someone hearls out accusations that is what they are doing manipulating.  Trying to get you to react.  No one likes to be accused of stealing or harming others and what is the best way to get someone to react?  Hum, accuse them, your NM is pulling at your heart strings, she is trying to put you in a defensive mode, she is baiting you:

If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irriate him.  Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant~The Art of War

Ever heard of Chinese hand-cuffs?  A nefty little toy, you stick 1 finger in each end and if you pull both fingers are locked, you can't get out, your fingers are stuck..oh no what to do?  If you push inward you are unlocked...aye there lies the rub.

Your NM is trying to engage you, if she has you engaged, like a cat who chases their own tail, soon you will get tired, doing the very thing she wants you to do, attack yourself...she is accusing you of something and in reality all you are doing is fighting with yourself and soon you are tired and emotionally drained and are weak, just ripe for her pickings.

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

If you know the enemey and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemey nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.~The Art of War

Basically, if you did not do something, ignore the accusation, it is just there to get you to react.  When you react they got you.


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Re: does your NM go wild with accusations?
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2010, 01:09:19 PM »
I cannot underestimate that asserting yourself while being involved financially is very hard

Hon, I do understand this. It is hard.

If it's just "dumb stuff" in your closet, though...can you just release it? And could you mail back the key?

love to you,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."