There is something about this TV show that makes me want to reach out.

The music is fun so it lifts my spirits. But when the music is sad, they work it in with characters so I can see the characters reaction and that they allow themselves to feel sad. And then rise up through the music.
Corny, I know!

Sometimes it's just fun. Sometimes it hits a nerve. Tonight it hit a nerve. I had to leave the family room and go to the garage to cry.
"Beautiful". Christina Aguilera. I have always liked this song but when put in the context of an talented overweight teenager told by an adult to lose weight or she would be kicked off the squad, my heart just ached. Not only for her but for anyone who was ever told that they didn't fit in. And then the entire school stood up with her when she stood up for herself and sang this song. Isn't that our dream? Yes?? No? To express ourselves? To have others support us, understand, stand behind us when we do? It's my dream to believe I'm beautiful, no matter what they say. But then the line "Don't you bring me down today". That's my struggle. I'm so accustomed to others knocking me down, chip by chip. I just want to tell them that. I know I have value but the constant, but sometimes subtle, devaluation makes me feel like I am on a merry-go-round. Happy when I see the familiar face and then thrown around and around with people who don't know me at all.
Don't you bring me down today!!!