Hi Sealynx,
Thanks for replying, it's interesting to know that others experience similar things. I didn't really think that I saw things in a fuzzy way, until just recently when I noticed that colours seemed much brighter and the edges of things seemed sharper? Spring has arrived, of course, so there is more colour around than there has been but it still seems more noticeable than it has in the past. I saw an old neighbour of mine last week who I hadn't seen for about ten years. I recognised him instantly, remembered his wife and children, had a rough idea of how old they must be now and so on. Often I see people and I know I 'know' them but I can't think where from or how well and it takes days for the penny to drop usually. It's very odd, but nice that it seems to be lessening. I hope things carry on getting sharper for you.
Hi Hops,
I think what you said about an ability to be in the present really sums it up - that is how it feels, like I am actually walking along the road and I can see the flowers and hear the birds and smell the rainwater - usually I feel like I am watching someone walk along the road so I don't get the smells and the sounds or the fine detail because I'm focused on the main figure (me), not the surroundings. It's very odd, I hadn't really noticed how 'normal' that felt for me before. I also usually have a real worry about how I look from behind when I go anywhere - like would someone walking behind me think I walk funny or I have a big bum or some other negative thought - but I feel like I'm only seeing my actual field of vision - so basically the front of me - rather than this kind of all round sense of every aspect of myself.
I am confusing myself a bit when I write things like this - it feels very 'out there' in terms of ways of thinking. But oddly I feel much calmer and contented inside than usual, so I think it must be helping.
Thanks for you thoughts, Hops and Sealynx!