oooooooooh! Lovely, non-hostile, comeback Worn!! I can never think (in the moment) of those... it's always later - when it's "safer".
BTW - I relate to your battle and war situation. The "old battle axe" kept me hooked into fighting her (and defending against so many other people who weren't "that way", unnecessarily) through my outrage and anger at the preposterously stupid & boundary-intrusive things she would say and do. I felt I had to "prove" over & over that I was stronger than she was....... and I chose to deny my own wants & needs, as the way to prove this. Little did I know then, that's EXACTLY what she wanted in her warped way. It made me "just like her" - a martyr/victim.
One day, I realized that if I just stepped aside when she made her next assault - let it slide right past me - and not fight back... the outrage & anger didn't pop up anymore and I could finally see clearly how it was my participation in this little mind-game that kept me trapped. Now, my non-participation (and lack of expected response) did make her completely frustrated and outraged and angry - but it was pathetic and comical, in a sick sort of way. Believe it or not - she got over it. Took awhile, and she's not completely "house-broken" yet... she's never going to change "her spots"...
The "trick" that gets played in the mind-game with parents, is our participation in the "battle". I don't know what they get out of this; maybe some sort of ego-stroke (pathetic, you know?). And the "fear" that kept me locked in this battle was that "she wouldn't love me anymore". When I realized that this wasn't going to kill me... I was able to realize that I was the powerful one, after all - and not the "helpless victim" locked in a lifelong battle to be seen, heard and appreciated. Other people did that just fine; so what was HER problem??? You know?