...well that is a silly topic isn't it?
Yet the
Occupational Therapist about a year ago said I would not likely ever drive again. I said nothing out loud, but in loud I said "
Watch Me!"!
I am finally able to put on pantyhose---ever get yours so twisted you feel like you are walking sideways? Well I have to watch it or I'll be all twisted up backward. (On the 5th) I went by cab, wearing pantyhose, and back home in another cab, from renewing my car Insurance. Then today my Physical Therapist came, and after a battery boost, I put the chair into the car, drove for 50 minutes, returned home and she is cheering me all the while. I am happy. The car is the equalizer.....so I discovered 40 years ago.
However, after turning off the engine, it wouldn't restart, so she took the 'chair out for me. No battery? The seat won't power back and forth for the 'chair.
So Monday I will be re boosted and we will go to Canadian Tire to check this battery, which was installed in
August/09, when I felt I could drive... but my heavens... it was painful and I couldn't manage the chair! I went because I had purchased that battery on
Jan 27/09, and it was dead on
Mar 27/09, which is why I was on the sidewalk going to the meeting and was struck by a car!
This was all a setup----

ha ha

--lets get paranoid here. CDN. TIRE sold me a faulty battery that would fail on
Fri Mar 27. I went to the office on Wednesdays only, but I was asked if I could make that trip on Friday, 27th at 1:00 instead, as there was a social meeting and all the Social Committee would be there with about $8,000.00 for me , as bookkeeper, to take to deposit, from Ticket Sales. OOPS! Another change! Could I make it 2:00 pm as Toshi couldn't make it until then.
I go to the garage, at 1:45, and the battery is dead, so I set off, only 3 blocks, for the Office and BLAM!!
'They' say 'there are no accidents'. Can you picture this? In essence it is funny...now that I am so well along, but!.... Is Cdn Tire at all to blame? Does the Organization own any blame for switching my day and hours to put me there, at that time? Do I hold any blame for going along with it? (For me, I say 'no', as I would go where the gang was for interaction and now I am TOTALLY OUT!) or is it just the poor guy who backed out his driveway and hit me? Were we both set up?
Okay--this is a good conundrum for youse guys out there..... have a laugh.... but tell me how you feel about 'no accidents' and 'no coincidences'...'everything for a reason'! and WHY?????
