Author Topic: My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave  (Read 24847 times)


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2004, 04:01:46 AM »
I think, ltl, that your comments could be seen as inflaming because you brought the negative content into a thread where things were being more positive.  I wonder why you didn't post your comment in the thread to which you were referring.

I feel there's something important in this about the way people communicate but I can't quite get some words for it at the moment.

You may feel it's a necessary thing to remind people of the bad. "Never forget"  "Once slighted, never forgive"   Perhaps others would like to have the opportunity to reach a new higher ground by starting afresh.

So you can leave behind the 'bad' without having to blame, admit defeat, or any of that 'pride' stuff nor just 'let go and move on' but 'let go and move on TOGETHER'.  

People can acknowledge inside what's gone on and start afresh.  And usually there is some element of 'making amends' that might be quite subtle but experienced by both sides, nevertheless.

Yes, in that case, I would find your interventions inflammatory, ltl.  I see your point of view but I don't agree that it's a helpful one.  It may be helpful in the context of your own decisions about how to lead your life and deal with your pain.  But it may not be overall helpful in every situation, it may make things worse and not everybody may find your interventions offering a positive or helpful solution.


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2004, 04:14:05 AM »
I know what you mean. Just keep smiling. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D Phoenix


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2004, 04:18:44 AM »
OK - I get it - people don't want to THINK!  

I'm outta here


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2004, 05:27:01 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
OK - I get it - people don't want to THINK!  

I'm outta here

My apologies Guest for making you mad. But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them. Maybe later you will come back and consider how you sounded inflamatory yourself. Phoenix


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2004, 10:19:24 AM »
But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them.

But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2004, 12:19:25 PM »
People can acknowledge inside what's gone on and start afresh. And usually there is some element of 'making amends' that might be quite subtle but experienced by both sides, nevertheless.

Very good point, Guest and well put.  I'm really counting/respecting this thought of yours.  It is a choice for all to consider.

Just another Guest


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2004, 01:21:29 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them.

But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!

I believe in turn that LTL was talking to me,not you- and I was not inflamed with it. Phoenix


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2004, 01:27:53 PM »
I have a family emegency so will be away a few days. Phoenix


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2004, 01:57:55 PM »
But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!

Jeepers--take it easy. Honestly, reading your message brought to mind the image of a small child writhing and shrieking-- sprawled out on the floor of a department store in the midst of a temper tantrum.  As an-- ahem-- "adult" now--nobody can do that to you.  

You are causing yourself to feel this way out of the exchange.

Your long-standing inner stuff is bubbling up---  Check it friend-- and get up off the floor for land's sake-- dust yourself off and work on boosting your levels of confidence and self worth.

Somebody not sharing your view doesn't devalue you as a human being, and needn't send you into a rage. It also doesn't mean you weren't heard.

And this messgae has been brought to you in the spirit of non dissin' , up-putting, and empowering  :wink:


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2004, 02:20:30 PM »
What made you think I spoke in a rage???

I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL

Check it, pal!


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2004, 02:57:56 PM »
What made you think I spoke in a rage??? I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL  Check it, pal!

From the very apropos words of The Great Gazoo as he hovers over Fred Flinstone's shoulder:

Why Do I Waste My Time With These Dum-Dum's...



  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2004, 03:05:12 PM »
The Great Gazoo

Haven't thought of him in years and years!  Now if I had 1/2 his brain....

Remember those gazoo things?  They were so cool.  Teachers hated em.
Don't blame em a bit, either.  Annoying probably, like lot's of things.


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2004, 03:12:35 PM »
What made you think I spoke in a rage??? I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL Check it, pal!

From the very apropos words of The Great Gazoo as he hovers over Fred Flinstone's shoulder:

Why Do I Waste My Time With These Dum-Dum's...


 :lol: Thanks for the laughs guest!  :lol:  Good one.


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2004, 04:21:43 PM »
Why is it clever to put people down when they are hurting?

Why is it clever to gang up and laugh and make people feel small?

You absolve yourself of blame but you know what you are doing.  You're hitting the child in the person in front of you instead of appealing to the adult.  You are twisting the knife instead of salving the wound.

Is that so adult?


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2004, 04:38:17 PM »
Hi guest. You asked some good questions.

Why is it clever to put people down when they are hurting?

It's not.  

Why is it clever to gang up and laugh and make people feel small?

Ah--these are not innocent people picnicking in the park, minding their own business. They've been involved in the dialogue and have said some angry things themselves. For the most part [rare exceptions] they receive a reaction related to what their output has been.

You're hitting the child in the person in front of you instead of appealing to the adult

I appreciate your comments guest but there have been very little adults present here in these threads, to deal with at that level.   Most of the communication has been on the child, completely emotionally immature level.

Why do you think it's been so nasty and has gone on so long?  Adults would have worked it out long ago. You can't deal adult to adult with child reasonings and emotions.

When the emotionally mature and responsible adults show up--the matter will resolve itself.  

Like you, I don't like to see people hurt, so I hope it's sooner than later.