I think, ltl, that your comments could be seen as inflaming because you brought the negative content into a thread where things were being more positive. I wonder why you didn't post your comment in the thread to which you were referring.
I feel there's something important in this about the way people communicate but I can't quite get some words for it at the moment.
You may feel it's a necessary thing to remind people of the bad. "Never forget" "Once slighted, never forgive" Perhaps others would like to have the opportunity to reach a new higher ground by starting afresh.
So you can leave behind the 'bad' without having to blame, admit defeat, or any of that 'pride' stuff nor just 'let go and move on' but 'let go and move on TOGETHER'.
People can acknowledge inside what's gone on and start afresh. And usually there is some element of 'making amends' that might be quite subtle but experienced by both sides, nevertheless.
Yes, in that case, I would find your interventions inflammatory, ltl. I see your point of view but I don't agree that it's a helpful one. It may be helpful in the context of your own decisions about how to lead your life and deal with your pain. But it may not be overall helpful in every situation, it may make things worse and not everybody may find your interventions offering a positive or helpful solution.