I have been struggling with NC (currently LC - limited contact) because our family dynamics are very complicated (like everyone else here! no one is immune it seems). But here is my dilemma, I might have met someone new and wonderful. We all know that coming from a dysfunctional family is sometimes a red flag even though I have made considerable progress in my relationships. I don't want to deceive anyone, but we also know that not honoring one's family and speaking ill of them tends to have a backlash. Most people want to marry people who can "deal" with their families. So, I wondered if it might be more productive to express a concern for NMs behavior and suggest its origin, but have them meet anyway and decide for themselves. Also, during this time, I would be "civil" but allow limited involvement. If a problem then arose, then with the support of my mate, I would go NC. Outwardly, my family is prominent, law abiding, addiction free, with some strong roots in the community and my father had an excellent medical career and reputation. I don't like touting this because it feels phony - kind of like looking a big house, beautifully decorated with rotting pipes underneath. But, on the other hand, until a potential mate gets close enough to "inspect the plumbing" so to speak, when/what should I say?
Also, initially my question was has anyone had any experience where they accepted their NM, detach from them, decided that knowing enough about Nism and having grown sufficiently and learned new coping skills is able to handle/control the Nism to their advantage. Thus, remaining in contact, but firm boundaries. I don't like the idea of playing games to control another human being - thats not what I am advocating. Just knowing the "rules" might mean I can stretch them rather than having been broken by them.
Am I making any sense?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.