it is hard to articulate sometimes. This I understand all to well. Over stating or under stating things is so frustrating and when people don't seem to catch my drift, then I fall apart and blame myself for missing the point then here I go again with all the negative banter in my head.
I like want Gainingstrength said about declaring that you need feedback right away on a subject. I do this often. I also respond to other's who do because, hey, it's not often someone has the cajones to say "help me, I'm lost."
When we post something, we put ourselves out there and that's not what we are supposed to do under the N guidelines of life. So our stuff is flappin in the breeze and our vulnerability get exacerbated.
Don't know if any of this makes sense but trying to put things into words is tricky.
Practice this: get a blank piece of paper and start writing. Write anything. Keep going evethough it doesn't make any sense and write whatever comes to mind. Words, phrases, numbers, cliches, songs, whatever. Keep it going as long as you can until you fill the paper, both sides. If you don't know how to start, start by saying, "I have nothing to write, but this." Do this once a day for a week and you'll be surprised at what you write down and how well you articulate your thoughts.
If this is useless information or I'm off point, I apologize.
Thank you for being her, Swimmer.