Hey swimmer... I think your thread hits on something I've fumbled around with words, trying to describe. I'm calling it (provisionally) the "flip side of boundaries". And it's VERY important!! Just as important as being able to stop people from bulldozing right over you... BUT:
I don't know if this is exactly - or even close to - what prompted your post. So let me know, OK? Sometimes my "intuition" plays tricks on me... and I get it completely wrong. Especially on this topic!! That's 'coz I'm still learning about this side of boundaries, I think. And oh yes - I'm sort of the "queen" of babble - it takes me a whole lot of words to "spit something out"... 'coz I'm like a blind person in a dark, infinite space... and I can feel things that I think might be "x"... but I'm not sure. I think I've even contradicted myself in the same post! LOL! S'OK, you know? We're all kinda fumbling in the dark... there isn't any "manual" for what we're doing, to consult. I've gotten used to being proved wrong; or barking up the wrong tree... it's allowed... and nothing bad will happen, if I am wrong. In fact, I've learned some very helpful and important things this way. So, with that disclaimer:
No one wants to feel invisible. That feeling starts up a whole cesspool of other feelings for me: not being recognized as a person with inherent worth, not being important, hell - not mattering at all or being "real" at the most extreme. And sometimes the cyber world can feel like the world's most lonely place, because of this. It's like having no one to "play" with...
That need to be acknowledged, is the "flip side" of boundaries. I "think". It's the craving for someone to say: OH! There YOU are... YOU are YOU... and I am ME... and here WE are... and we both matter; can do things apart & together; neither being more important than the other... but not being alone.
Long time ago, I posted something I came across online about the 3 "nutrients" we need for well-being... autonomy, efficacy (our own belief in our power "to do"), and connection. It's a 3-way chicken & egg problem: no one of these things is more important than the others and sometimes one will depend on the other to exist... but they all have to exist as conditions of the feeling of "well-being"... of feeling "OK". It's sort of a balancing or juggling act. I wonder sometimes....
what good is a boundary, if I'm "not OK" inside it? So, I try to "connect"... even if what I'm saying makes absolutely no sense to anyone ('coz I don't know the right words - yet)... and even if the explanation eventually gets to the length of "war & peace" as I try to find the words that someone else will understand what I "mean"...
Connecting with others sort of requires the "others". So I can understand why it bugs you to post and have it be like the proverbial "tree that falls in the forest". And the title of your thread makes sense to me, in this context... you're talking about the flip side of boundaries, I think.
Is this even in the general vicinity of what you meant?