I just don't know where to start. *sigh* As many of you may remember, I was the one who "snapped" one night back in April and kicked my NM out of my house, threw luggage onto the lawn along with all her belongings, told her off, etc., and in doing so, I also scared my 2 year old daughter and husband with my screaming and yelling. I walked guilty of hurting them for weeks but have recovered thanks to your support. I believe they have forgiven me. That's the good part. The other good part is that it has been nearly 3 months of NC with my NM. This is a first for me. Going NC had been knocking at my heart for years and I thought that my "snapping" episode did me in with ever seeing my NM again.
I also posted that 2 weeks after my "snap" night, NM called leaving a message only directed at my 2 year old daughter which is NM's ONLY grandchild. She left a sweet, sappy message only for the baby with no mention of me whatsoever. 3 days later, another voice message left by NM for my daughter but at the end of her message, she said, "Bear, if you need me to fly up there (300 miles) I will be happy to help you if you need my help with the baby, I miss her and I am willing to stay at a hotel just so that I can babysit for you if you need me., please let me know if you need my help..." Still no mention of what happened. I did not call her back.
Now this. On this past Tuesday, she left a message for my husband, mind you, she never calls him but considers him her alli in a way since he stays neutral. She said, "Steve, Hi!!!!! This is "NM" and I just wanted to know how the family was doing and how is the baby, how is she, I miss her soooo much [NM starts to cry in her message barely getting words out] I just miss my baby so much....and for Bear, I'm willing to forgive and forget, I'm willing to start over just for the sake of my granddaughter, I'm having a hard time with this and for Bear, I feel her pain, I want to do something and will write her a letter and/or send her a card, I know she is not happy with me right now and I know you care, Steve, so that is why I'm calling you [more crying] now please call me to let me know how the family is...I miss my granddaughter and will do whatever it takes for her sake..." My husband hates the fact that she put him in this position. I believe that she will not send me a letter because that would give me a "voice" and a chance to rebut and she does not like my having any "voice."
Okay. She parades around constantly proclaiming her rights, "myyyyy granddaughter, she's myyyyy granddaughter, I'm entitled to myyyyyy granddaughter...." NM's last words to me on my front porch was her pointing a finger in my face saying, "you can kick me out but DON'T YOU DARE TAKE AWAY MYYYYYY GRANDDAUGHTER!!!" That's when I slammed the door in her face and she had to take a taxi to the airport.
What is this? what does this mean? What do I do? It's seems like she will do anything for HER granddaughter but could give a rat's ass about her own daughter. She feels so entitled to my daughter just because she's , quote, "mmmyyyyy granddaughter."
She never, ever called to talk to me after the blow out. She only addressed my daughter then asked if I needed her help; then she called my husband to beg and cry her way back into our lives, no wait! I take that back. She doesn't want back into MY life, she wants back into HER granddaughter's life!!! This is of ultimate importance to her and I know this. I believe this is true.
I feel as though I'm punishing her. I feel as though I hold the Golden Key and am playing some sort of keep-away with it. I feel bad. Yes, I go up and down with "yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...." Sometimes I'm strong and can make it through the day with feeling good about my decision and other days, I feel like shit.
I feel like shit because I know in my heart she is hurting very badly and misses my daughter tremendously. Or does she??? Can N's feel this pain or is it a facade???? NM prides herself with my daughter but can't seem to respect me and hasn't the bloodiest idea about why I did what I did that April night. She is clueless and thinks I have problems.
I know NM is sick. She is basically less mature than my almost 3 year old daughter and can't fathom why I have these feelings. She is handicapped, essentially. So I feel a sense of duty to at least understand her illness instead of punishing her for it...or is that what I'm doing here????
Help me figure this out and come out with some peace.
And why is life doling this out to me??? Why is God doing this...I feel tortured inside and I want to break free from the burden, the guilt, the shame, the test he is putting me through. Why do I have to go through this when I thought I kicked her out of my life (so to speak).
I'm not overly religious but I think God has his hand in some things and it confuses me beyond belief. Why couldn't he just let me make my decision and be done??
Sorry if I'm emotional here and a bit philosophical, etc...
Bear (with me)
((((((((hugs to all)))))))))))))))00