How can one explain the complexity of some things that happen? How can a person find a voice to protest in a sane way?
Seastorm: I Wiki'd some quick quotes that help me understand the conundrum you asked about. This will probably come across wrong and silly, but my screen is jumping around, and I don't have the ability or patience to do better today."Every person has a choice between Good and Evil. Choose Good and stand against those who would choose Evil."
Friedrich Kellner
Which leads to the following quote:"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil."
Hannah Arendt
I believe that most people don't make up their minds to be good or evil. Attempting to convince people that they do, is one thing that makes it harder for people to hear us when we're trying to be understood. "It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake."
H. L. Mencken
Judging by the response I've received while explaining egregiously bad behavior of an N/Sociopath, I'd say that people tend to make leaps and assumptions about the statements because they need facts to make sense. N behavior doesn't make sense. One must suspend the need to make sense of facts in order to accept them, IMO. It's a shame that it's easier to find fault with the victims or excuses for the N behavior, than it is to accept people are doing illogical destructive things against all reason. "Evil unchecked grows, evil tolerated poisons the whole system."
Jawahalal Nehru
"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done."
Leonardo DaVinci
In my opinion, that's our justice system, and our Judges are woefully prepared to do their jobs. Esp in family court. 'They say "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is "Evil prevails."
Yuri Orlov Lord of War
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred The Dark Knight
Evil men spread confusion like a plague. It's second nature, sweeping up the innocent and those who would stop them. They lie, cheat and sacrifice all that is sacred in order to watch the world burn. That people choose to become confused is natural. They don't want their worlds to burn, they don't want to admit they're lives could be touched the same way, for no reason at all. They lash out at the messenger, IME. I have great empathy for that predicament, except with the people trusted with positions of authority and responsibility for the oppressed. Then, it's their moral obligation to shake off the comfort of confusion, and do the uncomfortable thing...... deal with the Evil, and risk being touched by it. If this doesn't make sense, oh well.